Marie evelyn Campbell nee Goodyer - Origins

Charles Cameron Campbell Maternal Family Tree

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Marie Evelyn Goodyer, mother of Charles cameron Campbell
was born 4th May 1930 at Motueka Cottage Hospital, Greenwood St, Motueka.
was the daughter of John Goodyer and Evelyn mary MacMahon

  b?12mar1797 Bulkington son of? Mary and Eli
  d.14oct1840 Bulkington, Warwickshire
  |                info 1a
  m.29nov1819 Bulkington, Warwickshire      
  Wrickett Ribbon Weaver
  |             children born Bulkington (between Nuneaton and Coventry)       cont.
  William      Eli           John          George        Catherine    Thomas        
  b.~1819      c.098sep1921  c.20apr1823   c.20mar1825   c.20may1827  b.~1829       
  d.           d.            d.            d.                         c.19mar1837     
                                                                       aged 7    
         Joseph         Mary          Sarah         Ann           Eliza
         b.~1832        c.13sep1835   c.15oct1837   c.21mar1839   c.03may1840

sheet 2

   Joseph (2nd) Goodyer 7th child of Joseph and Sarah
   b.1832-33 Warwickshire (source 1841 census)
   c.19mar1837 aged 5 Bulkington, Warks            info 2a
   d.april1879 aged 47 Murchison, Tasman, NZ
   m.31jan1853 St Martin, Birmingham
   Lucy ................m2.22jul1880 .....Thomas     info 2b
   Williams                               Jackson     
   b.~1834 Birminngham?
   d.12sep1897 Woodstock NZ
   |   First 5 children born Castlemain, Victoria, Au rest born NZ
William     Emma        Sarah       Kate        Joseph      Elizabeth   Esther      John
henry       |           anne        emily       |           |           jane        charles 
b.1854      b.1856      b.1857      b.21apr1859 b.1861      b.14nov1867 b.1869      b.1870 nz
d.1929      d.1939      d.1924      d.29apr1939 d.1872      d.13mar1886 d.1869      d.
|           |           |           |           aged 11     |           Aged 4mn    |
m.05jun1879 m.29nov1878 m.30dec1871 m.10jan1877 *******     m.08may1882 ********    m.
|           |           |           |                       |                       |  
Sarah       |           Charles     |                       William
agnes       Robert      edward      James                   mcgregor
Griffith    Vinsen      Downie      Colvin                  Hannam    
sheet 3 info 2d info 2e info 2f info 2h info 2i info 2j info 2k

sheet 3
   William henry Goodyer eldest child of Joseph and Lucy Goodyer
   b.17oct1854 Castlemain, Victoria, Australia  Reg.No.7292
   d.07mar1929 in Murchison, Tasman District, Nelson, NZ
   |                 info 3a
   m.05jan1879 in Reefton, Buller, Tasman District, Nelson, NZ 
   Sarah anne         info 3b
   Griffith        dau of William Griffith 
   b.14jun1861     Clunes, Victoria, Au
   d.09jan1939 aged 77
   |                    children born NZ                                cont.
   Joseph         William        Arthur         Charles        William        
   william        thomas         john           edward         henry (Bob)    
   b.30mar1880    b.09may1881    b.02nov1882    b.17jul1884    b.28apr1886      
   d.02oct1944    d.1884         d.1939         d.1967         d.1920      
   |              ********       |              |              **********     
   m.24feb1909                   m.25aug1915    m.30dec1908              
   |                             |              |                    
   |                             Flora          Constance      
   Anna                          dunbar         isabel
   James                         Sutherland     Lines                
   b.28dec1889                   b.             b.1884
   d.29aug1979                   d.1969         d.1958
  info 3c info 3d info 3e info 3f info 3g
           Sarah          Agnes          John(jack)     Ivy           James
      lucinda bertha      |              gordon         isabella      alfred  
           b.21may1888    b.23jun1890    b.07sep1892    b.10oct1894   b.18jan1897
           d.26jan1960    d.25mar1929    d.13sep1950    d.24mar1954   d.22oct1970
           |              |              |              |             |
           m1.24jul1908   m.19mar1913    |              m.12nov1913   m.21jan1922
           |              |              |              |             |          
           William        Samuel         |              Alfred        |
           Hunt           duff           |              henry         Mable
           m2.1946        Anderson       |              Johnston      Ogier     
           James          b.20apr1882    |              b.09aug1891   b.04aug1900
           Kettles        d.1973         |              d.1918        d.14aug1980
  info 3h info 3i sheet 4 info 3j info 3k

sheet 4
     John(jack) gordon Goodyer 7th child of William henry and Sarah ann Goodyer
     d.12sep1950 aged 58             info 3a
     Evelyn mary                     mcmahon
     MacMahon       dua of George McMahon and Caroline elizabeth Hill.
     b.13apr1892  Wakefield, Tasman, NZ
     d.15jun1984  Stoke ( Suffocation in House fire)
     |                last 4 children born Motueka Hospital, Greenwood Street.
     Russell         Athol          James           Marie           Diane joan
     john            George         arnold          evelyn          caroline  
     b.21jul1922     b.22may1924    b.20dec1927     b.04may1930     b.17sep1932
     d.13nov1988     d.22may1946    d.07sep2013     d.22jan2019     d.2009             
     |               |              |               |               |
     m.              Fiancee        m1.29jun1951    m.1954          m.
     |               |              |               |               |        
     Iris            Cleta          Dorothy         Brian           |
     lorraine        mavis          may             henry           Rex
     Morrison        Scott          Cox             Campbell        Clemett      
     b.03oct1920     b.             b.24nov1927     b.1926          b.24may1931
     d.13feb2008     d.             d.2015          d.1996          d.2003
  info 4c info 4d info 4e back to brian info 4f

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© JCC Glass

Updated 6th October 2022