Low - Fuller Origins

Family Tree

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Alfred duncan Glass William campbell Glass Campbell in NZ
Euphemia Glass / LOW Glass / Moncur in NZ Skipper/Fuller

John Low senior low-jane-adington
John Low snr
Jane Low nee Adington

              William Low            Info 1a
              m?18jun1768    Dunnottar,Kincardine,Scotland
              |         seems to long a gap to first child
              Moncur (Mancur)
              |    children christened South Leith Midlothian
 William      Ann           James         John         Margaret      Janet        Robert    
 b.16jan1775  b.04feb1778   b.15jan1780   b.09oct1782  b.10aug1785   b.10apr1788  b.25jul1793
 c.29jan1775  c.08feb1778   c.16jan1780   c.13oct1782  c.14aug1785   c.13apr1788  c.29jul1793
 d.           d.            d.            d.           d.            d.           d.
                            James                         margaret  
sheet 1b

       James Low   3rd child of William Low and Ann Moncur
       c.16jan1780   South Leith Midlothian
       m.14nov1806 Coliton, Midlothian                    Info 1b
       |           children born  Colinton Parish, south of Edinburgh
       John (snr.)                                       James             Info 1c
       b.12mar1808                                       b.09sep1810
       c.28mar1808 (IGI C116772)                         c.16sep1810
       d.04may1886     aged 78 Whangarei                 d.1871+
       |                                                 |
       m.07june1839     St Cuthberts,                    m.29dec1854    
                Edinburgh   Banns 3rd June               |                            Info 1d
       |                                              Marion martha
       Jane           dau Cathrine Denholm        Burnet  d.before1861
       Adington  and Adam E/Adington)                son James b.08jun1856
       b.04aug1814                                                  d.1891+
       c.14aug1814       North Leith, Midlothian, Scotland (IGI c195063)              Info 1e
       d.15mar1852       Scotland    
       |  children of John(snr) and Jane  born Edinburgh, Scotland
       |=============|==============|=============|===============|==============|| Info 1f,
       James         Catherine      Elizabeth     Jane            John (jnr.)
       b.05apr1840   b.07jul1841    23dec1842     b.21sep1844     b.15apr1847 
       d.16sep1840   d.             d.            d.27feb1866 NZ  d.05nov1895
       ***********   |              |             br.Onehounga    |
                     m.decqt1867    m.?               NZ          m.27feb1879 NZ
                     |                            ************    | 
                     Joshua                                       Eliza albania    
                     Johnson                                      Fuller 
                     b.~1845 Pendleton Lancs.                     b.28jan1861
                     d.                                           d.23nov1922
                                                                  m2.1896 m3.1910 
  Catherine and Joshua John and Eliza

sheet 2
       Catherine Low  2nd child of  Jane Addington and John Low
       b.07jul1841 at 7 East Adams Street in the parish of St Cuthberts Edinburgh
       d?marqt1892 aged 50 Salford
       m.decqt1867 Salford 8d 112  
       Joshua   .........................m2.sepqt1896 .....Helen      Info 2b
       Johnson                                             Brooks 
       b.decqt1844 Salford (Pendleton)                     b.~1860 Salford
       d.junqt1932                                         d.marqt1940
       |                    children registered Salford
John          Lydia        Frank        Jane         Joshua       Arthur       Dora
|             |            |            ellen        |            |            |
b.junqt1870   b.junqt1872  b.junqt1873  b.marqt1875  b.sepqt1879  b.decqt1881  b.marqt1884
d.            d.marqt1931  d.           d.junqt1955  d.           d.decqt1948  d.
|              aged 59     |              aged 80    |            | aged 67
             ************               ***********  |            |
                                                     m.decqt1908  m.decqt1907
                                                     |            |
                                                     Drucilla     Annie
                                                     Owen         Jones

sheet 3

 John Low jnr. 5th child of John Low and Jane Adington            Info 3a 
 c.16may1847 Edinburgh (lds Submission)  
 d.06nov1895 aged 47 and buried Mt Wesley, Dargaville   
 m1.27feb1879 at the Settlers Hotel, Whangarei.                       Info 3b 
 Eliza albania 
 Fuller  2nd child of  Henry McDonald and Susannah harriet Skipper
 b.28Jan1861 Deloraine, Tasmania                                      Info 3c  
 d.23nov1922 NZ aged 59
 | ............................ m2.22feb1896  ........  m3.24nov1910
 |                              |                       |          Info 3d,  
 |                              Walter james            Francis joseph
 |                              Medus                   Lyons 
 |                              b.~1850                 b.~1870
 |                              d.27nov1910 aged 60     d.26feb1924 age 56
 |                              ==============          =========== 
 |                              Ruby  winifred          no children
 |                              b.07dec1896....................................|
 |   children of John Low                                                      | Medus line
 Susanna      Cathrina     Daisy        John henry   Arthur       Lennard      Ruby
 jane(judy)   Albania      blossom      edward     francis walter edwin        whinnifred 
 b.30nov1879  b.15sep1881  b.18jul1883  b.24mar1886  b.30mar1888  b.04nov1890  b.07dec1896
  Whangarei     Auckland    Auckland     Whangarei    Auckland     Kawakawa    |        
 d.03mar1924  d.23dec1916  d.20jul1916  d.03mar1955  d.03jul1965  d.1975+      d.1978?
 |            |            |            |            |            |            |        
 m.27dec1895  m1.15sep1898 m.15sep1899  m.08aug1906  m.10aug1911  m.05aug1912  m.30dec1912
 |            |            |            |            |            |            |      
 Richard      Arthur       Llewellyn    Euphemia     Hester       Charlotte    John henry
 |            francis      joseph       elizabeth    harriet      louisa       quick
 Chester      Halvey       Mills        Glass        Holloway     Bartram      Body 
 b.           b.~1863      b.~1880      b.13aug1881  b.1890       b.           b.~1887
 d.           d.1904       d.1942       d.1916       d.1965       d.1970       d.1937
 |            |            |            |            |            |            |

sheet 5a

    Susanna Jane (judy) Low 1st child of Eliza abania Fuller and John Low
    b.30nov1879 Whangarei
    d.03mar1924 aged 44  buried in Hillsborough Auckland 
    m.27dec1895 where?                                      Info 5a
    b?  possibly in Adelaide to Margaret & Charles Chester 
    d?1931 aged 69
    |                 CHESTER LINE born NZ
    Louisa                   Hilda                     Marjorie 
    maria                    mavis                     marguerita    
    b.24aug1896              b.12nov1897               b.17aug1899     
    d.1973                   d.12apr1989               d.1985
    |                        |                         |
    m.04apr1917              m.11jul1922               m.05oct1925
    |                        |                         |         
    Henry                    Henry                     Frederick
    Hall                     Foster                    Rigden   
    b.                       b.12apr1895               b.~1885
    d.                       d.27apr1958               d.1969 aged84 
    |                        |                         | 
  Info 5b to Hilda mavis Info 5c  
sheet 5c

    Hilda mavis Chester 2nd child of Susanna jane Low and Richard Chester
    b.12nov1897 Wangawhare Dargaville
    d.12apr1989 Whangarei
    m.11jun1922 Kawakawa NZ       Info 5d
    Foster  son of Elizabeth Dawson and Henry Foster
    b.12apr1895 Ngapipito Northland NZ
    d.27apr1958 Wangarei
    Olive                    Doris                    Valamae
    veneta                   may                      joy                 
    b.30jan1923              b.22nov1924              b.27apr1928 Kawakawa
    d.11jul1986              d.2017                   d.07jul2010 Auckland
    |                        |                        |
    m.06mar1948              m.25jun1947              m.1950
    | Whangarei              |                        |
    |                        |                        |                
    John                     Reginald (alan)          Geoffrey
    archibold                walter                   kenneth
    Pole                     Davison                  Toms             
    b.1919                   b.02feb1923              b.25may1930 Auckland
    d.1994                   d.2007                   d.  apr1973 Auckland
    |                        |                        |
    |================        |=============           |======================
                             Lorraine                 3 children   
  Info 5e Info 5f Info 5g  

© Lorraine Williamson
sheet 6a

   Catherina (Kathleen) albinia Low  2nd child of Eliza abania Fuller and John Low
   b.15sep1881 at the America Portrait Rooms, 13 Grey Street, Auckland,
   m1.15sep1898 ..................  m2.18jan1905 as Catherine "albema"  Info 6a
   |                                |
   Arthur francis                   Joseph
   Halvey                           Scott 
   b.~1863 Ireland                  b.1874?
   d.12sep1904  aged 41             d.08nov1918  br. O'Niell's Point
   |                                |
   |  Halvey line                   |     Scott line
   |===============|=========||     |==========|==========|==========|==========|==========||
   Arthur          Mary             Leonard    Ramond     Kenneth    John       Vincent
   francis         (k)catherine     joseph     henry      gordon     colin      lawrence   
   b.24oct1899     b.12jan1902      1907       1909       1911       1913       b.11dec1916
   |               Devonport
   d.10jul1989     d.23sep1989
   |               |
   m.13apr1927     m.28jun1919 .....p.~1927 ...m.12jul1962  
   |               | divorced 1961  |
   |               |                |         
   Hannah doreen   George victor    Edwin (Pat)
   Mountain        Bolton           McLaren   
   b.03jan1905     b.26jul1900      b.31aug1898    
   d.16sep2000     d?15may1983      d.20sep1981 aged 83
   |               |                |
   |=============  |============//==|============  
   No Issue        (Peter)          Kennith
                   Victor           edwin      
                   b.28nov1919      b.31jul1928
                   d.27jun1941      d.24may2017 Auckland
                    WW2             |
                                    Valerie jeanette
                                    6 children
                                    grand children
  Info 6d Info 6b Info 6c Info 6e  

©Valerie McLaren
sheet 7

 Daisy Blossom Low  3rd child of Eliza abania Fuller and John Low  Info 7a  
 b.18jul1883 Auckland
 d.20jul1916 Auckland general Hospital 
 m.15sep1899         Info 7b  
 Llewellyn joseph ........................ m2.04apr1917.....  Anna  alexandra matilda      
 Mills                                                        Terry
 b.15sep1879 Paparoa?                                         b.1876
 d.1942 aged 63                                               d.1954 aged 76

 |          children's births from school admissions!                  
 Joseph        Douglas       Ivy          Lesley       Reginald                 Kenneth
stanley joshua llewellyn     madeline     raymond      edsom (edwin?)           gordon  
 b.18jun1900   b.05jul1902   b.29jun1904  b.29nov1905  b.25may1908              b.17jun1914
 d.            d.            d.           d.           d.1948bv aged 39         d.23dec1983
 |             |             |            |            |                        |
 m.1924        m.22apr1925   p?           m.1925       m.28mar1928 Papakura     m.1933
 |             |             |            |            |                        |      
 Evelyn        Ona           Bill         Naomi iris   Ellen  m2.1948 Charles   Josephine
 mary          francis       |            marquarite   mavis          maynard  katrine leontine
 Willis        Jephson       Hacket(t)    Ludwig       Homewood       Marriner  Franklin     
                             b.                        b.11dec1911   b.1908     b.
                             d.                        d.29may1984              d.
                             |                                                  |
                             ============                                       =========
                             Joan                                               Lisa **
  Info7c     Info 7d  

© Liza Mills
sheet 8

   Arthur francis walter Low  5th child of Eliza abania Fuller and John Low
   b.30mar1888 Auckland           Info 8a
   d03jul1965 aged 77   Whangarei
   m.10aug1911                   Info 8b
   Hesta harriet 
   d.1965 aged 75
   Kenneth          Ronald           Mervyn           Alva             Irene
   arthur francis   colin            alfred           may              Gwendoline
   b.08jun1913      b.03jun1915      b.05feb1917      b.1922           b.1928
   d.09nov1972      d. 1978          d.1995           d.               d.
   |                |                |                |                |
   m.               m.1946           m.1942           m.17jan1945      m.
   |                |                |                |                | 
                    Joyce            Jean             |
                    adele            isabel claire    Raymond
                    Kehoe nee Cuff   Rowlands         Kasper        
  Info 8c Info 8d Info 8e Info 8f Info 8g  

sheet 9

     Lennard edwin Low  6th child of Eliza abania Fuller and John Low 
     b.04nov1890 KawaKawa        Info 9a
     d.07oct1986 Waitakere
     m.05aug1912 where?           Info 9b
     Charlotte louisa 
     Bartram   dau of Alice Mullins and Frederick Bartram
     b.1894 Bendigo, Victoria, Au
     d.1970 Auckland
     Lulu               Edwin                    Gwendoline           Frederica
     maud               bartram                  |                    alice        
     b.1913             b.22may1916              b.31oct1918          b.30oct1930
     d.                 d.1978  NZ               d.07apr2013          d.2015
     |                  |                        |                    |
     m.23aug1933        m.19feb1944              m.1938               m.11951
     |                  |                        |                    |
     |                  Eileen  may              Ernest john          Ronald
     Raymond            may                      john                 desmond
     Hill               Smith                    Vuglar               Caddy
     b.                 b.16jun1916              b.13apr1913          b.
     d.                 d.21apr1999              d.                   d.
     |                                         |
                        sheet 10                 |================
                                                 d.11jan2011 auckland
                                                 Ron        son of leslie victor Adams and
                                                 Adams      Isabella martha Pratt

sheet 10
     Edwin bartram Low  2nd child of Charlotte and Leonard
     b.22may1916 Dargaville, Auckland     
     d.1978 NZ                    Info 10a  
     m.14feb1944 Auckland
     Eileen may
     Smith    dau of Clara Abberton and William Smith
     b.16jul1916 Sydney Au
     d.21apr1999  NZ
     Graeme              Brian             Colin           Dorothy 
     edwin               frederick         Musashi         ellen       
     b.1945              b.1947            b.1950          b.1951
     d.                  d.                d.              d.
     |                   |                 |               |
     |                   m.                m.              m.
     |                   |                 |               |
     |                   Marilyn           Kay iris        Guy
     |                   Williams          Butler          Chapman  
     m1. ......................... m2 .............m3.
     |                             |               |    
     Jane                          Deborah         Lynda
     Parsons                       Low             Aranga 
     b.1948                        b.1949          b.1956
     d.                            d.
     |                             |
     Craig         Natasha         Nicholas    Anthony  
     1973          1979            1983        1986
© Craig Low
sheet 11

    Ruby winifred   7th child of Eliza  Fuller/McDonald with 2nd husband Walter Medus
    b.07dec1896                Info 11a
    John henry quick            Info 11b        
    Body    son of Bessie Quick and Richard gegges Body (married 1882)
    b.28may1887 Christchurch, NZ
    d.1937 aged 49
    Medus                      Charles (charlie)          May
    ruby bessie                edward  henry              Blossom  
    b.17jul1913 Wellington     b.01apr1917                b.1919 Auckland
    d.1930 aged 16             d.2006                     d.1972 aged 51
    ****************           *************              |
                                                          aage hjort
  Info 11c Info 11d Info 11e  

Info 12a Info 12c
sheet 13

Canadian connections

  Margaret moncur Low 5th child of William Low and Ann Moncur
  c.14aug1875                Info 13a
  m.30apr1807  (st Cuthberts?)South Leith, Midloithian
  |                       Info 13b
  b.~1774 South Leith?
  c.05mar1774 Thurso Caithness,
  d.possibly after 1871 census canada
  |     children born south Leith
  Ann          William      Janet        Margaret     John         Alexander    Peter    
  b.19feb1808  b.06apr1810  b.07apr1812  b.24aug1814  b.11jul1817  b.01nov1821  b.25nov1824 
  c.           c.           c,12apr1812  c.           c.13jul1817  c.04nov1821  c.31oct1825
  d.           d.           d.           d?19sep1874  d.
                                         |  aged 54
                                         | Toroto

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© Craig Low
© Patrick Heremaia
© Lorraine Williamson
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Update 4th November 2022