Info 2f, for William Richardson of Hull Close info Window

William Richardson 4th son of Hannah and Thomas Richardson born 27 November 1818


William Richardson

William Richardson 1818-1907
In 1861 the 3 brothers had moved from above the shop to 8 Belgrave Terrace. however by 1871 Joseph and John are no longer with William,
Whether this was a result of expanding prosperity of the firm or some family discord is not clear.

1871 census
Source:              RG10, piece 4791, folio  ,  page 16,  enu 59
Place                Holy Trinity, North Myton District 19, St Stevens, Kingston upon Hull
Dwelling             8 Bellgrave Terrace,  Spring Bank 

William   Richardson  head   u  45     Cabinet Maker         Hull
Charlotte    Shapley   ser   w  46     House Keeper          Louth Linconshire
Elizabeth ann Ledger   ser   u  19     Gen Servant           Hull

William has moved to the house next door and is reconciled with John

1881 cencus
Source:	              RG11  Piece 4770, Folio 32, Page 6,
Place:                Holy Trinity, Kingston-upon-Hull, York, England
Dwelling:             1 Minerva, Spring Bank 

William  RICHARDSON   Head  U  58    Cabinet Maker                Hull Yorks
                                     Employing 42 Men     
John     RICHARDSON   Bro   U  65    Cabinet maker	          Hull, York, 
                                      and Apprentices
Charlotte SHARPLEY    Serv  U  58    Housekeeper                  Louth, Lincoln,
Ann COOPER            Serv  U  21    Domestic Serv                Burton Willows, York,

richinfo6 sheet 2

1891 cencus
Source               RG12, Piece 3937, Folio 110,  Page 5, en 22
place                Myton, Holy Trinity, Hull district 13
Dwelling             63 Spring Bank 

                     Rel    Mar  Age   Occ                             Born
William Richardson   head     s  71    Cabinet Manufacturer            Hull
John    Richardson   brother  s  79    Living on own means             Hull
Sarah A Barron **    cousen   s  60    House Keeper                    Hull   
Elizabeth Swift      ser      w  44    Asst. Housekeeper and nurse     Sherrif Hutton
Arthur G  Swift               s  13                                    Hull
Sarah a Barron, daughter of William S. Barron and Martha Wright, see info 1b - Relatives

John Richardson died 1893, and it was probably soon after this William purchased Linden Villas,
Which according to an 1892 Trade directory belonged to William. henry Franklin, a Boot Manufacturer.

1901 Census
Source               RG13, piece 4492, folio 98, page 2, en14
Place                West Sculcoates District 11
Dwelling             Linden Villas, 1 Pearsons Park 

William Richardson   head s  80  Cabinet manufacturer employer         Hull
Elizabeth Swift      ser  w  54  house keeper                          Sheffif Hutton
Annie B Robinson     ser  s  24  housemaid domestic                    Hull

1901 Census
Source              RG13, piece 4476, folio 109, page 13,
Place               Sculcoates, Kingston upon Hull
Dwelling            Schedule 139, 48 Plane Street 

Eliza     Barron   head W  60  living on own means                      Hull
Sarah ann Barron   vist s  74                                           Hull

1905 DecQt death Sculcoates  9d 97
Sarah A Barron 82

richinfo6 sheet 3

1881 shows Elizabeth as wife of Julius Swift who married an Elizabeth WILSON in 1867

Elizabeth Wilson married JunQt1867 Leeds 9b 541
Julius Ceasar Swift

1881 Census
 Source:           RG11, Piece 4770, Folio 131, Page 68,
Place:             Holy Trinity, Kingston-upon-Hull, York
Dwelling:          8 Sydney Ter 

Julius    SWIFT    head  M  48   House painter     Doncaster, York, England
Elizabeth SWIFT    wife  M  34                     Sheriff Hutton, York, England
Thomas SWIFT       son      11    Scholar          Hull, York, England
Ada Sheriff SWIFT  dau       6    Scholar          Hull, York, England
Arthur C. SWIFT	   son       3 	                   Hull, York, England

GRO Birth Arthur charles Swift sepQt1877 Hull 9d 227, (3rd jun1877)

GRO DEATH Julius Caesar A. Swift DecQt1887 Hull 9d 179

Following Julius' death Elizabeth works for Richardson given that she is allowed to bring her son with her does suggest some family connection and later Arthur is working in the family factory

GRO marriage
Arthur Charles Swift
MarQt 1902 Sculcoates 9d 275
at St Pauls to Lillian Frank
1911 census 14 perth st, Hull
Arthur charles swift upholsterer
and Lillian with 4 children

A second Arthur charles Swift was born sepQt 1895 Sculcoates
could this be a son of of arthurs brother Thomas Swift who married Mary E Murray
is this the Arthur C. who married Ruby Jacklin in Grimsby

Both Sara Ann Barron and a William Barron and a
Monica Marshall benifited from William Richardson's Will
and are dscribed as relatives.
Only one possible Monica Marshall found in 1901 born Derby, living Lydney Gloustershire

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