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1841 census  
Source          HO 107/1232 book 15 folio 559  sched 43 page 29
Place           Sculcoates, district 5a, Kingston upon Hull
Dwelling        Bond Street 

Thos.     Richardson   age 60 Cabinet m
Hannah    Richardson   age 60 
John      Richardson   age 25 Cabinet m
Thomas    Richardson   age 25 Cooper  J
Henry     Richardson   age 20 Tailor  J
William   Richardson   age 20 Cabinet m, J
Jos/h     Richardson   age 20 Cabinet m, J
J= Journeyman
Thomas Richardson (jnr )aged 32, West Sculcoates, Hull, ref WES/4/42
died 7th November 1846
sheet 2

1851 Cencus  
Source          HO 107, Piece 2363, foio 636v 
Place           West Sculcoates, Hull  
Dwelling        35 Bond St. 

Thomas   Richardson head  m  70   Cabinet Maker                    Hull
                                  Emp 16 men and 11 app
Hannah   Richardson wife  m  70                                    Hull
John     Richardson son   u  38   cabinet maker emp 16 men 11 app
William  Richardson son   u  32   cabinet maker
Joseph   Richardson son   u  30   cabinet maker
Ann      Carler?   serv   u  18   house servant                    Pontifract

1851 census,
source               HO107, piece 2362, folio 0402r,  page 8,  ed53    
place                Holy Trinity, St. Mary's Parish 
Dwelling             23 Cook Court 
Henry    Richardson  Head   U  35,    Tailor                     Hull

The 1851 General Directory & Topography of Hull lists:-
Henry Richardson, Tailor, at 22 Cook's Court, Bowl Alley Lane, Hull and
Thomas (senior) and John, Joseph and William are listed individually at
35 Bond St, Cabinet makers also Thomas and Sons 33,34,35 Bond St

However there is no sign of Thomas (junior a Cooper) in the trade lists in the East Riding 1851 census.

In 1853 Henry Richardson Married, GRO ref sepqt1853 hull 9d 315 to Elizabeth Cook.

Following the death of Thomas, on 21st September 1855, the 3 sons (John, William and Joseph, and their widowed mother left Bond street for Belgrave Terrace, where Hannah died on 2nd March 1859.
Belgrave Terrace appears to be close to 1 Minerva, Spring bank where her sons William and John live in 1881.

1861 census
source              RG9, piece 3592, folio 61, district 17, page 8, enu30
Place               Kingston upon Hull , North Myton, Holy Trinity, St Stevens
Dwelling            shedule  , 8 Belgrave Terrace 

John     Richardson head    U  45    Cabinet Makers &           Hull
William  Richardson brother U  39    Uphosters ; Carvers &      Hull
Joseph   Richardson brother U  37    Gilders, employing 70 men  Hull
Ann      Granstain?         m  27    Servant                    Pontifract
Amelia? M Ward              u  15    Serv                       Pontifract
1861 Census 
source           RG9, piece 3587, folio 106, page 11,
place            Holy Trinity parish ,Kingston upon Hull 
dwelling         3 Richardsons Entry, (Near Dagger lane and Fish st),schedule 50

Henry      Richardson  head, m, 48, Tailor,                 b. Hull
Elizabeth  Richardson  wife, m, 54,                         b. Hull
Possible Elizabeth Cook ORIGINS

1851 census
source                   HO107; Piece: 2362; Folio: 149; Page: 39; en163
Place                    Holy Trinity Hull
Dwelling                 Robinson Row, south side( off Dagger Lane)

Elizabeth Cook    head  s   50   Owner of Houses                   Hull Yorkshire

sheet 4
By 1871 it appears there may have been some sort of discord in the family William is still in the Family home but John and Joseph have moved

1871 census
Source:              PRO ref RG10  piece 4791 folio  ,  page 16,  enu 59
Place                Holy Trinity, North Myton District 19, St Stevens, Kingston upon Hull
Dwelling             8 Bellgrave Terrace,  Spring Bank 

William  Richardson  head  u  45     Cabinet Maker         Hull
Charlotte Shapley    ser   w  46     House Keeper          Louth Linconshire
Elizabeth Ledger     ser   u  19     Gen Servant           Hull

1871 census
source                 PRO ref RG10 piece 4783 , folio168,  page 26  enu154
place                  Kingston upon Hull, West Sculcoates, all saints 
Dwelling               55 Wright Street 

Elizabeth Thorpe      head  w   67      Lodging house keeper   Blyton Lincs.
Ann E. Robinson       dau   w   40                             Gainsbro Lincs
Elizabeth Wodmose     serv  u   18      domestic serv          london
John  Richardson    boarder u   58      Cabinet Maker          Hull

1871 census
source                  RG10    piece 4783   folio 63 page 32 enu176
Place                   West Sculcoates, Kinston upon Hull, All saints
Dwelling                72 Peel Street

                        Rel  Mar Age    Occ                   Birthplace
Jospeph   Richardson    head  u  50     Cabinet maker         Hull
Mary      Medd          serv  u  56     Housekeeper           
Mary      Afuy          serv  u  12     gen serv. Domestic    

1881 cencus
Source:	             RG11,  Piece 4770, Folio 32  Page 6.
Place:               Holy Trinity, Kingston-upon-Hull, York, England
Dwelling:            1 Minerva Spring Bank 

William RICHARDSON    Head  U    58    Cabinet Maker 
                                       Employing 42 Men     Hull, York, 
John     RICHARDSON   Bro   U    65    Cabinet maker	    Hull, York, 
                                       And Apprentices
Charlotte SHARPLEY    Serv   U    58   Housekeeper          Louth, Lincoln,
Ann COOPER            Serv   U	  21   Domestic Serv        Burton Willows, York,

1881 census
Source                    RG11,  Piece 4759, Folio 81,  page 16.
Place                     Sculcoates
Dwelling                  25 Peel St   
Joseph        Richardson Head  M    60                      Hull
Marian Cate   Richardson wife  m    40                      Hull
Edith mary    Richardson  dau  u     7     Scholar          Hull
Florence H.   Richardson  dau  u     5     scholar          Hull
John Rbt.     Richardson  son  u     4     scholar          Hull
Hilda marian  Richardson  dau  u     2                      Hull

sheet 4

1891 cencus    
source              RG12, piece  3937, folio 110, page 
place               Sculcoates
Dwelling            63 Spring Bank 

William   Richardson  head      71    Cabinet Manufacturer     Hull
John      Richardson  brother   79    Living on own means      Hull
Sarah A   Barron      cousen    60    House Keeper             Hull   
Elizabeth Swift       serv      44    Assistant Housekeeper    Sherrif Hutton
                                      and nurse domestic
Arthur G  Swift                13                              Hull

1901 census
source             RG13,  piece        folio  page
Place              Sculcoates, All saints, West Hull
Dwelling           Lindan Villlas, 1 Pearson Park,

William Ricardson  head  s   80     Cabinet manufacturer       Hull
Elizabeth Swift    ser   w   54     House Keeper               Sheffif Hutton
Annie B Robinson   ser   s   24     housemaid Domestic         Hull

1901 census
Place            Sculcoates, St John the Baptist, West Hull
Dwelling         48 plane Street

Sarah Barron   visitor, S   74                                 Hull

1905 DecQt death Sculcoates 9d 97
Sarah Ann Barron age 82

Both Sara Ann Barron and a Monica Marshall were benificiaries under William Richardson's Will
and are described as relatives as is a William Barron
Only one possible Monica Marshall in 1901, born Derby, living Lydney Gloscestershire
it Seems William hadnt had time alter his WILL written in September 1901 or was not aware of Sarah Barron's death.

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