Info 6b, Crompton - Wright Close info Window

Leeds Mercury,   Friday 15th November 1933, page 4
COOPER - Crompton; September 14th , at St Margaret's Church, Nidd, by the Rev G C Clare assisted by the Rev A R H Johnson, Geoffrey the younger son of Mr and Mrs Cooper of The Drive, Roundhay, to Ruthie Wright younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs C. W. Crompton, of Nidd near Harrowgate

The location of Nidd, two miles north west of Harrogate
1939 Pre War Register
Wetherby, East Yorkshire
Schedule 139, Greenfields Whitegates

Names               Sex  D of B  Status  Personal Occupation   Others
Charles Wm Crompton  M  17oct1871  M     Farmer Retired
Annie E Crompton     F  25jun1870  M     Unpaid domestic duties
Leila W Crompton     F  06dec1900  S     Unpaid domestic duties
Ruthie W Cooper      F  30may1908  M     Unpaid domestic 

1953 Electoral Register
25 Arncliff road, Harrowgate

Charles W. Crompton
Leila   W. Crompton


Crompton, charles william of 70 Sutherland Avenue, Roundhay,Leeds 
died  9th  August  1959 at Brakehurst, 1 Fieldhouse Drive Mooretown Leeds 
Probae wakefield  11th September  to Leila wright Crompton spinter 
and Ruthie wright Cooper, Widow

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