Info 4a, for Alfred duncan Glass Close info Window

The photos of Alfred and Evelyn have not been  positivly identified, but:
were found with the possesions of Leslie rupert oakes
inscibed on the back of the man is "to S.... from Alf"
photo by BARLETT Auckland

The other is presumed to be Evelyn
is inscibed on the back "S. Glass" I presume "S" stands for some nickname


It appears Alfred met Evelyn in the summer of 1900 Vincent Street is only a couple of streets away from Karagahape Rd. where Evelyn lived. However given Alfred was much taken with theatricals, They may have met in the theater, Evelyn at some point was on tour with C.J. William Gilbert & Sulivan productions.

According to a statment in 1925 after leaving Evelyn circa 1902 Alfred lived in Hastings under the name Alfred duncan Campbell ( mothers maiden name).
However my father remembered an Uncle Alfred visiting in his early youth in Devonport, so possibly Alfred didnt move to Hasting straight away.
possible voters - although no positive connection
there are only a couple of Alfred duncan Campbell listed.
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Updated 31st January 2015
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