Info 5e, Francis charlton Kinchant Close info Window

Francis (Frank) Kinchant was supposedly the first man to be married in Mackay ( Queensland)
He married the sister of Jim and Robert Martin on 18 March 1867.

(Source: Henry Ling Roth, The Discovery and Settlement of Port Mackay, Queensland, 1908, Halifax, England, pp67.)
The Conwall Chronical Launceston Tas 16 jul 1856
( From the M. M. Herald, July 1. )
This splendid clipper arrived in Hobson's Bay on Friday morning at 11.30. 
She was detained in     the South Cliannol since 4 p.m. on Tuesday, by strong 
N. E. winds, and although Messrs. Mackay,
Baines and Co. despatched the steamers Black Eagle and Lowestoft to her assistance
 immediately on receipt of the telegraphic message announcing her 
 arrival at the Heads, their combined power   was insuflicicnt to tow her
  Against the adverse wind. This fact, as well as the detention of the 
  Champion of the Heas from a similar cause, shows how much an efficient 
  tug boat is required in this port The James Baines brings a large addition 
  to our population, and we have much pleasure in pub lishing the following 
  addresses to Capt. M'Donnell from the passengers. Address of the Saloon 
  Passengereof the James Baines To Cap!. Charles M'Donnell. Dear Sir, - 
  Those only who have had the hap piness of failing under your care can appreciate 
  the feelings with whitch we address you, now nearly at the end of our voyage to 
  Australia. Your well-merited reputation, the unparalleled success of your former voyages, and the fame of your favourite ship tho James Baines, led us also to hope for a short and rapid voyage to Melbourne. That hope has not been entirely realised ; but the adverse winds and seas that prevented its realiza tion evinced to us on many trying occasions the almost incredible speed and strength of your nohle vessel, as well as the skill and energy of her able commander. Convinced as every one by a long voyage must be, that happiness on shipboard is mainly depend ant on the conduct and character of the com mander, we owe it to you to confess that the fond anticipations which your deservedly respected name led us to form, have been more than sur passed by your unremitting kindness, your anxious attention, and uniform courtesy to all classes of your passengers. We, the passengers of the chief saloon, besides the good fortune of a closer intimacy, have en joyed more frequent opportunities of witnessing your courteous, gentlemanly demeanour, and of admiring your amiable conciliatory disposition, but we are well aware that all classes on board the Jamee Baines will unite with us in testifying to your unceasing vigilenco over your ship, your   anxious attention to the wants and welfare of your passengers, and your successful exertions to pro. mote the happiness and amusement of all on board. Those eminently distinguished features of your character, en essential, yet so seldom combined in a commander, demand from us on this occasion more than the ordinary expression of letling. Allow us, then, dear and kind Sir, to tender you the warmest expression of our admiration ; to assure you of our regret at parting with one s0 endeared to us, even by a short acquaintance, and to beg your acceptance of a piece of plate, to express - feebly, indeed, yet sincerely and res pectfully - our appreciation of your ability as a commander, our esteem for your private character and worth, and our grateful remembrance of the many kindnesses received at your hands during our voyage to Melbourne in April and May. 1856. John Barry, D.D. Kobt. E. Imnni Jim. Black Mrs. J. A. Hnxtablu R. Farquharson Julia Hailand Tohn Chas. Lloyd Mm Molesworth Fr. Claik Mrs FcfliciBtonliaupli William Hoskins Mie J. C. Lloyd J. A. Huxtablo Miss Kctheii,t,)i]hauKli F. C. Kinchant Miss L Fetlicrstonhaugh J. P. Balbirnie-Vans Jas It. Winstanlcy John Edwards Rev.

The Argus (Melbourne) 27 June 1856 
Arrivals , Hobson's Bay 
The James Bains with 450 passengers in intermediate and steerage
Cabin 50  inc. Kinchant

The Argus (Melbourne) 25 jan 1861
Arrivals, Hobson's Bay jan 24th
Wonga Wonga ss 760 tons from Sydney(22nd inst) 
Passengers, cabin, Kinchant

Rockhampton Bullentin Central Queensland, 17 dec 1867
Arrivals by way of  Mackay 
Mrs. Kinchant Messr. Kinchant,---

Empire Sydney NSW 25 dec 1867
Arrivals dec 23rd
City of Brisbane, Steamer 504 Tons, from Brisbane (21st inst.)
Mrs. Kinchant, Miss Thompson and servant, Rev. H J Lavers,~~~~(snip)
~~~~  F.C.Kinchant, J. Martin,~~~~~

The Brisbane Courier 25nov1869
Shipping Departure for Rockhamton
November 24, Clarence 224 tons
Passengers:- Kinchant

Australia Town and Country Journal 5 apr 1870
Egmont steamer for Hong Kong
 Passengers Kinchant

Jane Martin was born circa 1834,
the daughter of James and Eliza Martin of Leadhills, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Married about 1865
Francis charlton Kinchant

In the 1871 census she is listed under her married name Kinchant, living her parents and two young children
Francis and
James. born 8th aug 1869 Crawford Lanark Scotland

Her father James Martin (1790-1875) was surgeon in the historic mining village of Leadhills where he was born, and as such was one of the community's most prominent citizens. Amongst other things James Martin provided evidence to the Children's Commission 1841-1842 on the hazardous working conditions of miners and metal workers.

Radnor Winter Assises, 1st March 1888
Jane Kinchant
Publishing a malicious Libel, 2 indictments.

Verdict: Guilty!
To enter into her own recognizance in the sum of £100
(£50 on each indictment) to come up and recieve judgment
when and if called upon; and to keep the peace to all
of Her Majesty's subjects, especially to Robert henry Kinchant
and to James Lloyd, for five years

FC Kinchant on the RMS James Bains arrived hobsons bay Mckay Au 1st jul 1856 Australian Electorial for 1903 1905 1908 1913 lists
Francis Charlton Kinchant Capricornia District Queeensland

Francis charlton Kinchant of Mackay Queensland Austrlia
died 18 may 1913 
Probate LONDON 21 january to Robert henry Kinchant and Geoffey Phayre
Camberline Esquires  Effects£8 10s 8d

Townsville Daily Bullitin Qld.
28 October 1913 IN CHAMBERS
On the application ot the Deputy Curator In Intestate Estates orders to
administer the following Intestate estates were granted:- 
Francis Charlton Kinchant,
Townsville Daily Bulletin, 25 August 1914
In The Supreme Court of Queensland, Townsville, In the Will of Francis charlton Kinchant, late of Mackay, in the state of Queensland. formerly of Whitterlys near Knighton in the county of Radnorshire, England Esquire Deceased.

Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of 14 days from the publication hereof application will be made to this Honorable Court for the sealing of the Probate of the WILL of Francis Charlton Kinchant late of Mackay in the state of , formerly of Witterlys near Knighton in the county of Radnorshire England esquire deceased.

Granted by the priciple Registry of the Probate devision of the High Court of the Justice England at London on the twenty first day of January one thusand nine hundred and fourteen Dated this seventeenth day of August 1914
S. H. Wright & Wright.
Solicitors for William Alfred Wright, the attorney for Robert henry Kinchant and Geoffry Phayre Chamberlin, the executors to whom Probate was Granted.
victoria Stret Mackay
Town Agents:- Roberts Leu and Barnett, solicitors Townsville.

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