Info 8a, Edward Roberts 1845-1910 Close info Window


Edward's Father Gervaise Roberts died in 1846

1861 census
source             RG9, piece 3422, folio 92, page 22/23
Place              Wakefield, district 4
Dwelling           Tofts Yard Northgate  schedule 113

                    Rel  Mar Age  Occ                    Born
Jane     Roberts    head  W  41   House Keeper           Wakefield
Joe      Roberts    son   u  20   Whitesmith             Wakefield   
Edward   Roberts    son      15   WhiteSmith             Wakefield  
Wallace  Roberts    son      12   Errand Boy             Wakefield

Edward Roberts m.sepqt1867 Wakefield to Sarah jane Oxley,

Marriage 1867 St Johns Church, Wakefield

1867, Marriage solemnized at   St John's Church   in the parish of   Wakefield  in the county of   York
Number When Married Name and Surname Age Condition Rank or
Residence Fathers
335 September
Edward Roberts 22 Bachelor Mechanic Chadderton
Jarvis Roberts Butcher
19 Spinster   NorthGate Robert
Married in said   Parish Church According to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church,
by Banns Licence by me John C Bayer, Curate   
marsig This Marriage
was solomnized
between us.
In the presence of:

Javis Oxley
Margaret Smith

Oxley origins
Robert Oxley m.1840 Ann Littlewood
James        Mary          Sarah          Francis
|            |             jane           |
sepqt1842    1844/5        b.sepqt1848    marqt1851
|                          |
m.1864                     m.1867 Wakefield
|                          |
sarah jane                 Edward
Longbottom                 Roberts

By 1871 Edward had moved to Oldham along with brother Wallace
and they live next door to their uncle, Joseph william Sugden, shedule 22,
who is also a Machine Fitter.

1871 census
source            RG10, piece 4104, Folio 5, page 4
Place             Chadderton district 1, Oldham Lancs
Dwelling          Watton Street, schedule 24

                        Rel  Mar Age  Occ                      Born 
Edward        Roberts  Head    M  25  Machine Fitter           Wakefield Yorks
Sarah jane    Roberts  wife    M  22                           Wakefield Yorks
Oliver sugden Roberts  son         1                           Oldham Lancs 
Lillian       Roberts  dau        14days                       Oldham Lancs
Wallace       Roberts brother  u  22  Machine Fitter           Wakefield Yorks
Sarah jane    Oxley    SIL*    M  30  Visitor                  Goole  Yorks
Sarah jane Longbottom married decqt1864 Goole 9c, 916
James Oxley elder brother of Sarah jane Roberts, nee Oxley

1881 census 
Place             Chadderton , Oldham 
Dwelling          18 Walton St. ,Lancs.

Edward       Roberts   head M 35 Macine Fitter            wakefield  yorks
Sara jane    Roberts   wife M 32                          wakefield
Lillian      Roberts   dau    10 Scholar                  Chadderton,  junqt1871 
Edgar        Roberts   son     7 Scholar                  chadderton   junqt1873  
Joseph       Roberts   son     4                          chadderton   junqt1876? Oldham
Edward gearvis Roberts  son    2                          chadderton   junqt1879  Oldham
Willie       Roberts    age    3m                         chadderton   marqt1881  Oldham

Possible death Willie Roberts aged 2 decqt1882 Oldham 8d, 480
Sarah jane died sepqt1884 aged 36
Sarah buried 2nd October 1884, St. Matthew's Churchyard, Chadderton

1891 census
Place             Oldham below town
Dwelling          39 Derby Street, schedule 147

Edward   Roberts  head W 45    Mechanic                    Wakefield
Lillian  Roberts  dau  s 20    Apprentice                  Oldham
Edgar    Roberts  son    17    Apprentice                  Oldham
Joseph   Roberts  son    14    Apprentice                  Oldham
Edward   Roberts  son    12    Scholar                     Oldham
Wilfred  Roberts  son     8    Scholar                     Oldham

Lilian Roberts m.marqt1896 Oldham William Kendall

1901 census 
Source                RG13 Piece 3809 Folio  Page 38
Place                 Chadderton, Oldham, Lancs 
Dwelling              169 Featherstall Road 

William Kendall   head  M  32    Beer seller pub             South Africa
Lillian Kendall   wife  M  30                                Oldham
Alice   Kendall   dau       2                                Oldham 
Edwards Roberts   FIL   W  55    Textile Machine Fitter      Oldham 
Edgar Roberts     BIL   S  26    Textile Machine Fitter      Oldham
Edward G Roberts  BIL   S  22    Textile Machine Fitter      Oldham
Wilfred  Roberts  BIL   S  18    Roller Coverer cotton       Oldham


Sarah Jane Roberts buried 2nd October 1884 St. Matthews Chadderton

Edward Roberts of Lynn Street Oldham buried 9th November 1910 St.Matthews, Chadderton aged 65

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