Info 2d. for Mann & Gunson, Jenkins WILL Close info Window

Taranaki Herald, 29th June 1907
On June, 17th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Richard Samuel, eldest son of. Mr Richard Jenkin, Pollen Street, Thames, to Florence Alice, eldest daughter of Mr George Gunson, Fitzroy, and granddaughter of the late Captain C. F. Mann, of Auckland.
(Thames and Auckland papers please copy.)

Thames Star, 4th July 1907
On June 17th, at the residence of the Bride's parents , New Plymouth Florence Alice, eldest daughter of George Gunson, to Richard Samuel Jenkin, of Thames:

Thames Star, 4th July 1907
Orange Blossoms.
A pretty Wedding was solemnised, at New Plymouth, on Monday, June 17th, at the residence of the bride's parents, when Miss Florence alice Gunson, eldest daughter of Mr Geo. Gunson, was united in matrimony to Mr Richard Samuel Jenkin, eldest. son of Mr Richard Jenkin, of the Thames.

The Bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in cream silk, with the orthodox veil and orangie Bossoma, and carried a shower bouquet. She was attended by two bridesmaids — Miss Olive Gunson (sister of the bride, dressed in cream silk) and Miss Loveridge (dressed in cream, spotted silk voile). Each carried shower bouquets. The bridesmaids wore pretty gold brooches set with rubies and pearls, the gifts of the bridegroom.
Mr Albert Horne acted as best man, and Mr Ridiard Nash as groomsman. Rev. A. Armstrong officiated. After the ceremony the guests were entertained to Breakfast, when, the usual toasts were honored. The young couple were the recipients, of numerous oostiy presents. In the evening and Mrs Gunson Entertained a large numbter of friends when music, songs, and danoing were indulged in till early hours.

It appears they had only one child
Stella Jenkin 1921
Married? 1934 Leonard sidney Donnelly
Electorial Roll 1893
Florence alice Gunson 
Newton Rd Auckland  , household duties

Electorial Roll 1919
Florence alice Jenkin aged 35
Sackville St, Fitxroy, New Plymouth, Taranaki, 
Richard Samuel Jenkin, Sackville street, Fitzroy, Painter

1928 Egmont, Taranaki
Richard samuel Jenkin, Opunake, Hotel Proprietor
Florence alice Jenkin, Opunake hotel, Opunake, married

1935 Egmont, Taranaki
Richard samuel Jenkin, Opunake, Hotel Proprietor
Florence alice Jenkin, Opunake, married

1938 Egmont Taranaki
Richard samuel Jenkin, Opunake, Hotel Keeper
Florence alice Jenkin, Opunake Hotel, opunake, married

1946 Egmont, Taranaki
Florence alice Jenkin, King street, Opunake, married(widow)

*IGI LDS members submissions film 537081 
Florence alice Gunson 
born    31 Aug 1884   Auckland,Aukland
died    29 Jul 1958   New Plymouth, Taranaki
buried  31 Jul 1958   Opunake,   south   Taranaki


Married 17 Jul 1907  New Plymouth , Taranaki

from NZSG
New Plymouth Death Cert
Name:          Florence alice Jenkin( nee Gunson)
Date:          30 Jul 1958
Docment No.    101407
Place:         Opunake
Occupation:    Widow
Enquiries to:  Land deeds New Plymouth

New Plymouth Probates
Name           Florence alice Jenkin
Court:         New Plymouth
Probate        281/58
Filed          14 Aug 1958
Type           WILL
Enquiries      Wellington Archives

New Plymouth Wills
Name           Richard samuel Jenkin
Date           14 sep 1945
Document No.   010616            011890
Death cert     Yes
Type           Declaration
Place          Opunake
Occupation     Hotel Keeper      Retired Hotel Keeper
Enquiries      Land Deeds

NZ Probates
Name           Richard Samuel Jenkin
Place          Opunake
Occupation     Hotel Keeper
court          New Plymouth
Probate No.    7127
Filed          26 sep 1945
Type           WILL
Enqiries       Wellington Archives

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