Info 1f, Christopher Mann - Publican | Close info Window |
New Zealand Herald, 5th September 1877 |
APPLICATIONS FOR. TRANSFERS. Rising Sun Hotel, Newton:- from Thoa. G. Kennan to Christopher Frederick Mann. - Granted. |
Auckland Star, 16th January 1878 |
Terrible Conflagration IN NEWTON. THE RISING SUN HOTEL AND SEVERAL OTHER BUILDINGS REDUCED TO ASHES. A Fire of startling magnitude, and of a most destructive character, took place in the Karangahape Road between two and four o'clock this morning. The exact time of the outbreak was as nearly a quarter-past two as possible, at any rate the first alarm bell sounded within five minutes of that time. In a few minutes the dead silence of midnight was changed, as by magic, into the busy hum of life and excitement. As the northerly breeze bore the clanging notes of the bells over the city, the citizens calmly sleeping in their beds were rudely roused, and at numberless windows might be seen anxious faces, eager to discover the whereabouts of the calamity which was making night hideous. Looking from the eastern side of the town, a lurid glare was to be seen, gradually intensifying, in the direction of the high ground in the neighbourhood of the Pitt-street Wesleyan Church. In five minutes flames could be distinctly seen over the roofs of the houses, and increasing fast force and splendour the conflagration in twice that time was of sufficient power to illumine the city with the brilliancy of the mid-day sun. The night was cloudy and dark, and a drizzling rain which had been threatening all the evening was beginning to fall. These accompaniments only made the glare the brighter. Never do we recollect seeing a more beautiful sight at a fire than that which was presented to the gazer from the top of Barrack hill at half-past two this morning. Every building in the great central basin ot the city stood out sharply outlined, and most of them dazzlingly white. The illumination was so complete, that the shades of colouriug in the foliage of the trees could be distinctly perceived. A strange glamour was shed over the waters of the harbour, where the masts of the shipping stood out gaunt and lean in the unnatural light. Looking up Grey-street, the coup d'teil was weirdlike in the extreme. The roadway and paths were white as snow, while the crowds of human beings hastening up the hill wore the appearance of so many ants making one of their curious pilgrimages. Turning into Pitt-street both sight and sound tell us that we are close to the scene of the disaster. The roar of the flames, mingled with the clamour of an excited crowd, strikes on our ear, and other indications of the proximity of the fire are not wanting. Who are those persons hastily coming towards us Why are they going in a direction opposite to everybody else? A glance at their terror-stricken faces and scanty attire tells us the reason. They are refugees just escaped from their burning houses, and thy are hastening to find shelter under the friendly roofs of hospitable neighbours. We gain from this rencontre an approximate estimate of the serious nature of the destruction in progress. Rounding into Karangahape Road we at once get a view of the conflagration. About one hundred yards from the corner, a mass of flames is being borne right across the broad thoroughfare, the curling tongues licking the houses on the opposite side of the street, and the whirling eddies of sparks and smoke being hurled aloft and spreading danger and apprehension around. THE SCENE. A second glance reveals that the blazing pile is the Rising Sun Hotel a large square wooden building containing 14 rooms and belonging to Mr Morrison, who occupied it up to a few months ago, The hotel has been lately carried on by Mr or rather Captain Mann, once a master mariner. The Fire Brigade are on the spot, and the men are busy running up the hose. Two streams are already being poured over the most threatened buildings. It is no use trying to extinguish the hotel. That is doomed. The flames have it firmly in their fatal embrace, and in ten minutes more it will be a building of the past. Now we meet a man whose looks betoken a serious personal interest in the melodrama being enacted. Enquiring his name we find that it is Mr McAlpine, boot and shoemaker, whose place of business, an hour ago, stood alongside the western wall ot the hotel. From him we are enabled to gather some valuable information as to the origin of the fire. He was asleep up stairs, when at a few minutes past two he was awoke by a suffocating feeling and strong smell of smoke. Hastily jumping up in bed he called to his wife, Why, the place is full of smoke." A bound to the door shewed him unmistakably that the house was on fire. There was no time to lose, and Mr McAlpine had seven little children in the place. With the assistance of Mrs McAlpme the little ones were got out safely, but not before the flames had assumed such proportions as to effectually prevent any return for the purpose of salvage. It appears that under the same roof, but in a different part of the house, with Mr McAlpine, lived a carpenter named Stringfellow. The building was a two-storey one, and it is uucertain whether the outbreak occurred in McAlpine's part or in Stringfellow's. That it begun in this building there is no doubt, as several of the earliest arrivals on she scene, including Mr George Francis and Mr Priestley, say distinctly that they saw the fire issuing from McAlpine's house before it had touched the hotel. At the same time that the flames extended to the hotel they also travelled westward to the premises of Mr Streeter, pork butcher. Now might be seen the most frantic attempts being made by the friends of Captain Mann to rescue the goods and chattels of the hotel, We regret to say that in spite of all their exertions the fiery demon travelled so quickly that the amount saved was exceedingly small. The roof of the hotel fell in with a great roar and burst of flame, which, as is usual, immediately afterwards begau to decline. The pressure of water which could be brought to bear was very small in consequence of the site of the fire being about on the same level as the Ponsonby Reservoir. Notwithstanding this the Brigade succeeded in getting tolerable streams to operate on the brick building known as J. W. Prime's grocery store. Tim was at first thought to be safe, but the keen element found its way to the roof, and torrents of smoke began to pour through the *****tice betokening a nest of flame, which if left alone would burst out in a few minutes. Seeing the danger, Superintendent Hughes directed a fresh body of men to devote their energies to keeping down the fire in-this quarter. They were eminently successful, and in less than twenty minutes all danger of the building being destroyed was past. A stable and outhouse in the rear of Mr Prime's store were partly destroyod. This terminated the range of the devastation on this side of the street at the eastern end. At the western end it had extended to Mr Mann's private house, which was soon, like the houses adjoining it, reduced to ashes. A vacant allotment stopped further progress. Two cottages belonging to Mr Suiter, the lessee of the Rising Sun Hotel, and in rear of that building, shared its fate. THE SOUTH SIDE. Meanwhile, from three until four o'clock, a fierce battle was being waged between the firemen and the incipient flames, which had taken hold of the houses on the south side of the road. Here, indeed, was the lion's share of the work. Early in the course of events the sparks had set fire to the roofs of Waddel's Bakery and the Newton Hotel, at the opposite, corners of West-street. These are substantial buildings, the latter, with the two adjoining houses on the east side, being of brick, with a cement front. In the rear of Waddel's Bakery is a timberyard, belonging to Mr G. Holdship, and here is stacked a very large supply of seasoned timber, which could hardly have been replaced if it had been consumed. The chief danger lay* in the bakery. Mr Holdship and Mr Daldy junr., who were on the spot, were prompt to see this. Quickly obtaining a ladder they mounted to the roof, and getting some buckets of water passed up, they succeeded in keeping the fire under, though they experienced great difficulty owing to the insecure footing presented by the roof, and the smallness the trap doors which had to be cut away to admit a man. It was feared at one time that the ladder would give way, but though it bent tremendously it held together gallantly. Had it not been for the promptitude displayed by these volunteers, this building must have gone, for the Brigade were at the time so busy elsewhere that they could not bestow any attention on it. The Newton Hotel had a very narrow escape. The front presents a pitiable spectacle, the windows are all smashed by the heat, and the woodwork of the roof and portions of the shingling are burnt. One front room into which our reporter went shewed very plain traces of the baptism of fire. The window frames and sashes were all charred; a chair standing close to the window was partly burnt; the ashes of the window curtains rested on the chair, and the paper had evidently been on fire in several places. The billiard room seemed to have escaped material damage. The table is insured for £200. The roof of this hotel was on fire several times, but owing to the activity shown by the volunteer helpers it was always got under. A private boarding house in the same block as the hotel, occupied by Mr Coulbourn. was much damaged, and here as in the buildings adjoining it on each side, it was touch and go for fully half-an-hour, and the place was only saved by good honest working. The houses which suffered most on this side of the street were those of Mr Hoyes, grocer, Post-office (which was the first to catch), and the adjoining one belonging to Mr Greetham, carpenter and shingler. Mr Greetham's premises are in the block which includes the hotel and the boarding house, but Mr Hoyes' house is a two-storied wooden building with a gable roof. After these caught it was some time before any water could be produced for their extinguishment, and at one time the flames had gained such a hold of the roofs that it looked as if nothing could save the buildings from total destruction. However, in good time Mr John Henderson and Mr Chas. Layers, builder, assisted by several constables and others, raised a ladder against them, and being joined by Mr Kelly, a plasterer, Mr Johnston, a baker, whose premises were next door to Hoyes', succeeded in cutting a hole through the saddle-boards through which Mr Johnston got, and a chain of buckets having been organised, the flames, though they could not be extinguished, were kept under until the Fire Brigade could spare a hose. When this at last was afforded, the stream of water directed on to the burning and smouldering rafters soon put them out, but not before both premises had been very much damaged both inside and outside. The adjoining establishments of Messrs Johnston (baker), Alexander Greengrocer, and Froude (tailor), were all more or less damaged. AFTER THE WORST. By a quarter to four the fire had been well got under, and with due care there was no fear of it spreading further. The space once occupied by the Rising Sun looked very desolate. The embers were still blazing, and several gas jets shed additional light on the scene of destruction. The hotel, cottages at the back, and the four buildings to the westward, had been made a clean sweep of, and the bare chimneys are the only standing remains. During the fire the Navals under Captain Leboy, and the police under Inspector Thompson, rendered most useful service. The crowd was unusually great, in spite of the unfavourable hour, and was kept back very effectually. INCIDENTS. A boy had a very narrow escape during the fire. He was walking along the front of the Newton Hotel when a large portion of the eaves of the roof fell down. The burning mass fell within a foot of the lad, who was so startled that he ran for nearly a hundred yards without stopping. A baby-engine, which Mr Holdship procured, was of invaluable assistance in extinguishing the fire on the roof of Mr Waddel's Bakery.., Sergeant Clark (of the Police), Mr Duke (Inspector of Nuisances for Newton), Mr Walter Scott, and several others, were conspicuous during the early part of the fire in protecting the south side of the street. The wind rose very high during the conflagration, and the smoke and sparks hurled about made the work of those who were tiying to save property both dangerous and very painful. When Mr Prime's store took fire a cry was raised that a woman was inside. Sergt. Major Mason procured a ladder, and it was .raised against the upper window. The officer ascended and ascertained that the face Been was that of Mr Prime junr., who had remained on the premises, and as he said he did not intend to leave until he was obliged. Mr Greetham had a narrow escape. He went back into his bed-room to obtain his purse and watch, and was so over come by smoke that he could hardly struggle back again. A member of the Salvage Corps named Godwin met with a severe fall. He was standing on a ladder, which had an insecure footing, and which a man had promised to keep steady. The latter carelessly turned away, and, it is said, through this the ladder gave way, and Godwin fell heavily. He, however, continued pluckily at the work. THE ORIGIN. We have no certain information on this point, nor do we think any is very likely to be obtained. Mi McAlpine assures us that he had no fire in his kitchen after 6 p.m., and had had none in his parlour for three months. EXTENT OF DAMAGE. The following is about as near an estimate as can at present be ascertained of the extent of the injuries NORTH |SIDE OF KARANGAHAPEROAD. Rising Sunl Hotel - Totally destroyed. The building is the property of Mr Morrison, and leased by Mr W. J. Suiter, brewer, who' sub-let it. It was insured, for £400 in the South British, and £250 in the Norwich Union Insurance Company. Mr Mann lost all his furniture and stock, but it is insured for £300 in the New Zealand Company. |
New Zealand Herald, 18th January 1878 |
THE NEWTON FIRE. In regard to the recent fire in Karangahapo Road, we hear that Captain Mann, of the Rising Sun Hotel, is a greater sufferer by the fire than was at first supposed. He had an insurance policy upon his stock and furniture, but this was only the continuance of the one in existence when he took charge of the hotel. Since then, however, the furniture has been largely renewed and increased. The hotel appliances have been extensively improved and extended, besides a very large collection of first-class oil paintings, which Captain Mann had in the various rooms. He had also some fine revolvers, one of which was inlaid with gold, &c., and was worth between £50 and £60. He had a very large collection of charts, maps, sextants, telescopes, &c., besides clothing all of which are destroyed. The charts, instrnments, &c., of Captain J. C. Smith were in the hotel at the time, and are also destroyed. Captain Mann estimates that his money loss by the fire, over and above the insurance upon tho stock and furniture, is between £8OO and £1000. A few weeks ago he intended to increase his policy so as to cover some of his risk, bat deferred doing so for the purpose of working the hotel as economically as possible. A shed is now being erected to enable him to resume business, and in the course of three or four days it is expected refreshments will be obtainable on the site of the Rising Sun Hotel. The premises will be again rebuilt without delay, and the fire will have the effect of making carpenters busy for some months to come. Mr. Owen Malion desires us to state that he was not in the Salvage van as reported, when it capsized on the morning of the fire. He assisted to load the van before it left the scene of th.e fire, and as he lives in Newton, he was asked by his fellow members of the Salvage Corps not to come with the van, and they promised to do his share of the unloading of the vehicle when it reached the stables. He is anxious that this statement be made public, so as to allay the fears of distant friends about his safety. Mr. W. Priestly and Mr. O. Mahon deserve credit for the manner in which Mr. Waddel's bakery was saved from destruction. Some half-a-dozen times it was on fire both outside and inside, but the efforts of these men were at last successful, and thus were the means of saving a very large amount of property adjoining. Yesterday the fire was still smouldering, and one poor dog that was tempted to make a rush for some of the roasted meat on the site of Mr. Streeter's pork butchery, had a rather painful experience of the fact. He set up a piteous howling when he felt that he had rushed into the fire. On the site of the Rising Sun Hotel, a number of the coins lost have been found. About £6 10s worth are not destroyed by the fire, though somewhat blackened. The coins consisted of sovereigns, half-sovereigns, silver, and about 20s worth of copper. Several others have been picked up in a melted state. Mr. Godwin, who was injured by being pitched out of a trap on returning from the fire under circumstances fully reported in yesterday's Hekald, is progressing towards recovery much more favourably than was at first anticipated. He has recovered consciousness, and his friends now look forward to his permanent recovery |
New Zealand Herald, 21st January 1878 |
THE NEWTON FIRE. Captain C. F. Mann, the landlord of the Rising Sun Hotel, which was burnt down in the late fire in Karangahape Road, has had temporary premises erected, and having obtained a permit for the purpose, he resumed business in them on Saturday evening. We are informed that no time will be lost in erecting a hotel on the site of the previous one. |
New Zealand Herald, 8th Feb 1880 |
The Loyal Pride of Newton Lodge, No. 30, holding under the American Order of Oddfe felloship, held a meeting on Monday evening, at the Masonic Hall, Newton, including members of the Loyal Star of Auckland Lodg". (snip) After the close of the proceedings, the brethren adjourned to the Rising Sun Hotel, where Brother C. F. Mann had prepared a tastefully-laid supper, to which ample justice was rendered. A number of toasts customary to occasions of this sort were drank, and several songs were sung. Altogether, a very pleasant evening was passed. |
Auckland 1881 Electorial Roll Name Mann, Christopher Frederick Property Type Residential Electorate Auckland West Residence Karangahape road Occupation Publican Notes October 1881 Name Mann, Christopher Frederick Property Type freehold Electorate Newton Residence Karangahape road Occupation Publican Notes "lots 47 and 48, allotment 22, section 8"; October 1881
Freeholders 1882 Christopher Frederick Mann, Newton Country area Value in County Total value in colony Eden 450 Hobson 80 20 Total 80 £470
Inquest into the death of William Chappell on the 23rd day of July 1881, before Charles Field Goldsbro, Esquire, MD, one of the Coroners of our Sovereign Lady the Queen for the said colony, upon the oath of Christopher Frederick MANN, Foreman, and (12 men named) good and lawful men of the neighbourhood, duly chosen, and who being then and there duly charged to inquire for our Lady the Queen, when, how, and by what means the said William CHAPPELL came to his death,
Evening Post, 10th November 1888, Second Edition |
ARRIVAL OF THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. By Telegraph) united press association. Auckland, This Day. Arrived, 6.30 a.m: to-day, Zealandia, from San Francisco. She left 'Frisco 20th October at 345 p.m., Honolulu the 27th Octobor, and Tutuila 3rd November. Experiencod variable winds and weather across. New Zealand passenger:- (snip) C. F. Mann, wife, and child, |
Auckland Star, 20th March 1888 Karagahape Assesment C H Mann, Newton Rd, £76 reduced to £68 Auckland Star, 2nd March 1891 Assesment court Karangahape Ward Mrs. Harriet Mann, Newton Road, £60 to £49 Auckland Star, 22nd June 1892 Land and Income Assesment Act 1891
Ponsanby Ward Harriet Mann, John Street, £230 reduced to £180 Auckland Star, 7th April 1898 Assesment Court Ponsanby Ward, Harriet Mann, John Street, £20 to £18 Karagahape Ward Harriet Mann, Newton Raod, £66 sustained. Rateable value not considered excessive.
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