Info 9b, Census Laura sophia Caton - Gordon Close info Window

1871 census
Place              Hartismere, Mendlesham, Suffolk 
Dwelling           Parsonage, Aspall parish  

James Gordon   10     Boarder                                India

1871 census
source           RG10, piece 829, folio , page 26
Place            Dorking, district 12, Surrey
Dwelling         Cotmandene 

Jane Hughes         head       W 65     Annuitant                          Uxbridge Middx
Mary Hughes         dau        U 36                                        Marylebone
Eurina? Fernback?   Governness U 16   French governess                     Paris
Ethel F. G. Gordon  Boarder       8   Scholar                              India
Ida G. G.   Gordon  Boarder       7   Scholar                              India
Mabel L. G. Gordon  Boarder       5   Scholar                              India

1891 census
Place                 Paddington london
Dwelling              60 Kensington Gardens Square

Benjamin Gordon 57  visitor   Lieutenant General retired        Scotland
Laura Gordon    50  visitor                                     sussex
Ethel Gordon    28  visitor                                     India
Ida Gordon      26  visitor                                     India
Isabell Gordon  25  visitor                                     India

James Gordon is in India

1901 census
Place                        Henfield, St. Peter,  West Sussex
Dwelling                     Moustons Manor, High Street 

Ben Lum Gordon        m  67 Lt. Gen RA retired           Scotland
Laura S Gordon        m  61                              Brighton, Sussex
Ida georgia Gordon    S  36                         born India
Edith F Gordon        s  38                              India 

place                 Westminster,  London 
dwelling              Victoria St 

James    Gordon  40  M Boarder      Lieut Col 15th Hussars         India
Clarisse Gordon  36  M boarder      living on own means            Leamington Warwickshire

1911 census
source             RG14, Piece 5230, district 80 
place              Henfield , Styning, sussex
dwelling           shedule 34, Moustows Manor 

Benjamin Lumsden Gordon  head 77  Lt. General retired               Abernethy Scot
Laura  Sophia    Gordon  wife 71  m 51 yrs, 5 children 3 living     Brighton  Sussex
Ellen Jane     Gorringe  serv 33 Palour Maid                        Brighton
Ethel          Norrell   serv 30 cook                               Borgrove Sussex


PROBATE 1917 Sussex
GORDON sir Benjamin Lumsden of Moustows Manor, Henfield, Sussex K.B.C. lieutenant-general H.M. Forces, died 20th November 1916.
Probate Chichester 27th February to Ethel Fanny Grant Gordon and Ida Georgie Grant Gordon spinsters and Mable Laura Keyser (wife of Frederick Charles Keyser).
Effects ; £1190 18s 5d.

Administration 1935 London
GORDON Ethel Fanny Grant of Moustows Manor, Henfield, Sussex spinter, died 28th July 1935.
Administration London 16th of December to Ida Georgie Grant Gordon spinster.
Effects ; £140 14s .

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