Info 8a, Frances eliza Caton - Jones Close info Window

1832,     Baptism Solemnized in the Parish of Woodmancote in the County of Sussex

Following her parents seperation in 1844 and eventual divorce
Frances was sent to live with her father's sister Maria eliza Kinchant nee Caton

1851 census 
source                        HO107; Piece: 1993; Folio: 667; Page: 30
place                         Whittingdon   district 1d, Shropshire
dwelling                      Park Hall, schedule 115

Richard henry       Kinchant head M 46  Magistrate & Landed proprietor Cudden E I.
Maria eliza         Kinchant wife M 38                               Dublin Ireland
Eliza power         Kinchant dau    18                               St Leonards Bucks
John Charlton       Kinchant son    16                               St Leonards Bucks
Myra chatherine ann Kinchant dau    11    Scholar at Home            Whittington Salop
Richard caton       Kinchant son     9    Scholar at home            Whittington Salop
Richard Redmond     Caton   vist    44    Landed proprietor        Otleside? Westmoreland
Frances eliza       Caton   niece   18                              Woodmancote Sussex

Frances eliza Jones nee Caton
Frances eliza Caton

    Frances eliza Caton met Henry, her husband to be, while he was a on a return trip to England from Australia to which he had emigrated along with his brother Derwas in 1842.
Henry and his brother Derwas travelled out as second class passengers on the the good "Barque Aden" which left England 8th June 1842 taking 120 days to reach Melbourne in early October

Probable return 20 Aug 1855 Melbourne-Liverpool 22 oct1855 Passenger list for "The Lightning" has a Henry Jones aged 37 has he lied about his age and did he lie to Frances about his age the 1881 census shows him as 25 years older than her

Although Henry was considerably older than Frances eliza she may have been partly motivated to accept his proposal as she was now 24, by which age as a lady without fortune might consider herself unlikly to recieve another proposal.

12th April 1856,   Marriages
JONES:CATON; On the 10th inst., at St. Oswald's Church, Chester,
by the Rev. Wm. Walsham How, M.A., rector of Whittington, Shropshire,
assisted by the Rev. William Harrison, vicar of St.Oswald's,
Henry Jones Esq., of Binnum Binnum Tatiara, South Australia, and Earlsdale, Shropshire,
to Frances Eliza, eldest daughter of Richard Redmond Caton Esq.,
and grandaughter of the Rev. Richard Bewley Caton M.A.,
of Blandford square, Regents Park.and Binbrook, Lincolnshire.

sheet 2
Henry Jones 
probably c. 6aug1814 Wrexham, Denbigh, Wales 
to William and Catherine.

Heighway Jones c.01oct1820 Welshpool, Montgomery
to William and Catherine

Dewas Jones b..~1823 Welshpool Montgomery
to William and Catherine,

There are conflicting stories for the brothers emmigration to Australia , one was prompted by the failure of their father's banking business, another they had tired of banking however their reported jouney to Australia by 2nd class suggest the former.

Another that Frances' aunt Maria Kinchant disaproved of Henry Jones as his father was a Tanner

Henry owen Jones
Henry owen Jones

Henry Jones
Henry Jones 1814-1881
Frances eliza Jones nee Caton
Frances eliza Jones 1832-1928
Reproduced by permission of National library of Australia ref: nla.pic-vn4241046-v and nla.pic-vn4241407-v
sheet 3
After early success in Australia Henry's brothers returned to England however Henry continued there for several years however eventual failure forced a return to England.

1881 census
Source              RG11, )Piece 2772, Folio 5, Page 3 
Place               Lichfield, St Mary, Staffordshire
Dwelling            Schedule 11, Market Street 

Henry Jones      head M  68      Retired Magistrate         Welshpool Montgomeryshire
Frances E Jones  wife M  43                                 Woodmancote, Sussex

1881 census 
source             RG11 piece 1159 Folio 98 page 26 
Place              Landport,  Portsea Island, Hampshire 
Dwelling           29 Shaftsbury Rd.

R. C (rev.) Kinchant    head  38     Chaplain H, M. Prison       Owestry, Shropshire         
Adelaide Blake        visitor 21                                 Culcutta
Gwen    Jones         visitor 19                                 Melbourne
Goring  Jones         visitor 15                                 Australia

Henry died junqt1881 aged 67

2 years after Henry's death Frances remarried
Frances eliza Jones married marqt1883 George erskine Callander Fulham 1a 350

The Argus Melbourne Vic.,
Friday 17th August 1883
-On the 11th inst, at St John's Church, Toorak,
by the Rev. Walter Fellows,
Charles Waller Cumming to
Kate Frances Henrietta,
eldest daughter of the late Henry Jones,
formerly of Binnum Binnum, S A

13 August 1890,   Marriages
On the 12th inst. at St.Mary's Church, Caldicot, Monmouthshire,
by the Revd. R. Bewley Caton, Rector of Fakenham, Suffolk,
cousin of the bride, assisted by the
Revd. W. H. Williams, Rector of Portskeweth,
and the Revd. H.R.S. Callander,
JAMES CHARLES MARTIN CHITTY, Pembroke College, Oxford, youngest son of the late Thomas Edward Chitty Esq., to
GWEN-ETHLIN GEORGINA, youngest daughter of the late HENRY JONES of Binnum Binnum,
South Australia and Mrs George Erskine Callander, of Ightfield, Caldicot.

sheet 4

1891 census 
 Frances eliza and George Erskin not found

GRO deaths George E. Callander aged 60 sepqt1898 Thornbury 6a 133, Gloucestershire

1901 census  
Source              RG13 piece 2533 folio 33 page 3
place               Pontesford, Pontesbury district 3, Shropshire
dwelling            Schedule 21, Pontesford House  

Derwas  C. Jones      W   Head    77   Living on own means     Welshpool , Montgomery
Frances E. Callander  W  visitor  66   Living on own means     Woodmancote, Sussex
parlour maid, cook, house keeper, housemaid

1911 census 
source                        RG14; Piece: 16116; Schedule Number: 28.
place                         Great Hanwood , Shropshire
dwelling                      The Glen 

Frances Eliza Callander  head  78  widow private means        woodmancote, Sussex
Mary Ethel    Brown      cook  32  domestic duties
Fanny Louise  Griffiths  maid  25  palour maid

1911 census, 
Michael Der"M"as Goring Jones  44       Overseas Militery

The Argus, Melbourne Victoria, 30th July 1919
Mrs. Kate Cumming, residing at Britannia House, South Yarra, has received, news of the death, at the age of 52, of her brother, Brigadier-General M. Derwas Goring-Jones, C.M.G., D.S.O., at Sea View, Isle of Wight, England.
He was the youngest son of the late Mr. Harry Jones, of Binnum, South Australia, a pioneer of the 60's, and was born at Robe, South Australia.
He commanded the 149th Division of the British army in France, and at the time of his death was in command of the 3rd Questa Infantry Brigade, Indian army.

sheet 6
The Register (Adelaid,) Thursday 5 February 1925
'Ecrivain' writes: -

The widow of Henry Jones, who with his brother Derwas, founded Binnum Binnum Station, near Karracoorte, in the early forties of last century, long before his marriage, resides in England in her ninety-fifth year. This will be a pleasant surprise to many South Australians, especially of the older generation of south-easterners, some of whom may remember the lady who shared with her husband the high reputation in respect of the hospitality for which Binnum was famous.
Harry Jones, known as 'the Squire of Binnum, was a great host, and fond of entertaining. He was a noted sport, bred stud sheep, and ran greyhounds. With his own bred dog Jason he won the first two Waterloo Cups run at Narracoorte. He died in England more than 40 years ago.

Mrs. Jones, the widow, wrote an interesting volume, entitled, 'Broad Outlines of Long Years in Australia' (published in London in 1878), a fine story descriptive of station and bush life. Mr. Redmond Jones, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones, has been farming at Metung, Gippsland, for many years. He left Clifton College. England, at 17, ,and returned to Australia, where he spent some time gaining stock and station experience.

Forty years ago Mr. (now Sir) John Grice commissioned him to take a big lot of horses from Albury to Manfred Downs, his station in Queensland; they were nearly a year on the road, such were the difficulties of travelling stock in a terrible drought year.
For four years Mr. Redmond Jones was on the Western Australian goldfield. At the outbreak of the Boer war he went to Durban, and enlisted in the South African Light Horse, commanded by Col. the Hon. Julian Byrjg, now Lord Byng, of Vimy, Governor General of Canada. The Australian served as trooper for three months, and was on the staff with six others as scouts. He was twice wounded in the war. In 1908 he returned to his native land, and bought a farm on the Gippsland Lakes, which he left in 1914, and remained in England doing 'his bit' for his country until 1921.

The second son. Col. Caton Jones, C.B., served with distinction in the Egyptian and Boer Wars, was shut in Ladysmith during the siege, later was P.M.O. with Walter Kitchener, commanding the 24th British Field Hospital in India. In the late war Col. Jones was in the retreat from Mons; he was invalided for a short time, then served as AJDJM.S. at Havre, until again invalided towards the close of hostilities, and on retirement from the active list was rewarded with a C.B. It is recorded of him that during a fight in the Boer war he was attending to the wounded in the shelter of a large rock, and noticing a comrade badly wounded, he left his shelter and carried him to safety amidst a storm of bullets - valour, indeed, worthy of the Victoria Cross!

The youngest son of the aged widow, formerly of Binnum, was the late Goring Jones, C.M.G., D.S.O. His regiment was the 2nd Durhams. For many years he served in India, for a considerable time as Adjutant of the Irregular Forces at Berninah. In the Great War he rose from Major to Brigadier-General. He was then appointed to the important command of Quetta, India, was invalided to England, and died in 1919. Cremated at Woking, his ashes were in accordance with his wish, conveyed to India, and buried in the jungle.

Mrs. Brewer, a daugter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones, resides in Sydney, and another daughter is the wife of the Rev. J. M. Chitty, of Yockleton Rectory, Shropshire, England.

sheet 7
Northern Teritory Times 16 nov 1916
IN THE SUPREME COURT. (Testamentary Causes Jurisdiction.)
NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration of eight days application will be made in the Registry of the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory in its testamentary causes jurisdiction for the sealing of an exemplification of the Probate of the will of Elizabeth Anstice Boker late of 18 Egerton Terrace South Kensington in the County of Middlesex in England Spinster deceased granted by His "Majesty's,High Court of Justice in England (Principal Probate Registry) on the twenty-sixth day of November 1914,
R. I. D. Mallam

Attorney under substituitonary, Power ot Attorney of Isabella Anstice Ross and Dame Margaret Egerton the Executrixes of the said will.

Frances Caton in Australia the Jones of Binnum Binnum
The Manning index of South Australia History
Arrival of Pastoralists in the South East
Reminiscing in 1926,
Mrs Kate Cumming said her father, Harry Jones came out from Shrewsbury, England, in 1842 in the Lightning, with his brother Derwas.
Harry held an important post in his father's privately owned Bank of Shrewsbury, but he tired of such a cut-and-dried business and pined for adventure. Having taken up land in Victoria, her father encounterd new climatic conditions, almost impenetrable forests, menacing Aborigines and primitive living facilities. To two "gentile" nurtured Englishmen such experiences must have been awful and they won through and eventually decided to widen their horizons by exploring the western district of Victoria.

This brought them across the border into South Australia. In Victoria they were absolutely the first white men to hew a clearing in the Kilmore district and founded a station there, successfully breeding stock. Mrs Cumming said that the expedition came out into territory now known as Frances, but in those times Cadnite, on account of its lake.. The present name of Frances was bestowed by the present owner, in honour of his fiancee, Frances Caton, in England.

In 1857* Mr Jones returned to his homeland and married her. They at once returned to Australia and landed at Melbourne where Mrs Cumming was born. When she was three months old they journeyed in stages to Binnum and she recalled that both of her parents were very fond of the natives and whenever they were ill they went to her mother for help. Kybybolite Station was founded by her uncle, Heighway Jones.

None but the grassy places were taken up by the first pastoralists, but even they were chosen with caution because there was no running water to be found and most of the swamps showed signs of drying up in one season of the year. Owing to these restrictions the actual amount of settlement was small because the good grassy lands bore a trifling proportion to the actual area of the district. These tracts were to be found on the Mosquito Plains, stretching in a width for ten miles from Penola to Lawson's at Padthaway, that is 64 miles, and along the banks of Reedy and Avenue Creeks for about a mile on each side, while south of Penola it was about five miles wide stretching down as far as the Mount Burr Ranges where the volcanic tract of Mount Gambier opened out.

sheet 8
When Heighway Jones and family returned to England it appears they took with them their nephew Redmond son of Frances Caton and Henry owen Jones.

1871 census
source                 RG10; Piece: 2544; Folio: 87; Page: 57
place                     Clifton district 19 Gloucestershire
dwelling                 Roxborough house, College rd west, sched165

Redmond H O Jones    12    pupil                  south Australia

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