Info 7c, Kinchant, Sale of Park Hall Estate 1865 Close info Window

 Park Hall 
 country seat of Kinchant family

Park Hall sheet 2
Cause number: 1864 C155. 
Short title: Caton v Kinchant. 
Documents: Bill, interrogatories, two answers. 
Plaintiffs: Richard Redmond Caton and others. 
Defendants: Maria Eliza Kinchant widow and Job Henry Kirichant (abroad). 
Provincial solicitor employed in Lincolnshire.  

In Chancery;- Caton v. Kinchant Shropeshire.
Most important Freehold Estate called "Park" situate in the parishes of Whittington and Sellattin, in the county of Salop, with the magnificent old Mansion, Farms, Cottages, and Lands, containing upwards of 430 acres.

  Mr. T. W. Hill, of Owestry, is honoured with instructions, pusuant to an order made in the above cause, and with the approbation of his Honour the Master of the Rolls, the judge to whom such cause is attached to SUBMIT to PUBLIC COMPETITION, on the 12 December 1865, at the Wynnstay Arms Hotel, Owestry in the county of Salop, at three for four o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions then to be produced, unless disposed of in the meantime by private contract, of which due notice will be given.

  PARK HALL ESTATE, situate one mile from the important town of Owestry , and about equal distances from Owestry, Gobowen, and Whittington railway stations on the Great Western and Cambrian lines of railway, in a rich and fertile part of the county of Salop, on the borders of Wales, surrounded by the most exquisit and charming scenery.

  It consists of a noble and elegant mansion in the Elizabethian or Tudor style of architecture, with attached and detached offices, nobly timbered parks, pleasure grounds and gardens, farms, cottages and lands, comprising of 430 acres of rich medow, pasture, arable,and woodlands, in a ring fence, and surrounded by good roads. This singular and interesting timbered mansion was built about the year 1543; few such edifaces are now remaining in England, and perhaps none in so perfect a state of preservation, or exhibiting so true a specimin of the domestic architecture of bygone days.

  The house has been lately restored and put into complete repair. its original character having been faithfully preserved The south front is 126 feet in lenght, with a variety of Gables and a good deal of enrichment. The interior reception rooms are wainscoted with beautiful framework, shaped in diamond or losenge pannels, possessing exquisitly fine carved oak chiminy peaces; and a ceiling of unparralled workmanship, and comprises a most noble entrance hall in the center of the building 33 by 23 feet; dinning room 36 by 19 feet; billiard room 18 by 17 feet; study 18 by 12 feet; and drawing room 27 by 20 feet; nine best bed and five dressing rooms, five servants' apartments, bath room, water closets, excellent cellerage, house keepers room, butlers pantry,kitchens, and other domestic offices.

  There is a beatiful little chapple abutting on the west wing of the house, the windows are of stained glass, the interior in wainscoted, and the whole arched over with oak panneling. The gallery is approached by a door from the drawing room, There is excellent stabling for eight horses, two roomy coach houses, saddle room, granery &c. inclosed in a large courtyard.

  The Garden, which is accessable from the house, is surrounded by a high massive wall, overlooked from the south end by a terrace of considerable lenght; there is also a productive orchard at the back, compact gardiners cottages and garden house. There are also excellent farm buildings near, stone built and comnveniantly arraged. The estate is devided into two conveniant sized farms in the holding of most respected tenants,

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