Info 7b, Mary eliza Caton -Kinchant Close info Window

Cambridge University Alumni, 1261-1900
Name:       Richard Henry. Kinchant
College:    ST JOHN'S
Entered:    Michs. 1822
Died:       1864

More Information
Adm. pens. at ST JOHN'S, Feb. 9, 1822. [3rd] s. of the late Richard, Esq., 
formerly of the East India Company's service at Cuddalore. 
B. Jan. 6, 1804, in India. 
School, Oswestry. Matric. Michs. 1822; B.A. 1828. 
Of Park Hall and Blunden Hall, Salop. High Sheriff, 1846. 
An Officer in the 69th Regt. and in the N. Shropshire Yeomanry-Cavalry. 
Married, Dec. 2, 1831, Maria Eliza, 
dau. of Richard Bewley Caton, of Binbrook, Lincs. 
Died June 6, 1864, aged 60. 

The Morning Post, Saterday, December 3rd 1831
Married yesterday at All Souls Church, Langham Place,
by the Revd. John Kinchant, Richard Henry Kinchant, Esquire,
eldest son of the late Richard Kinchant, Esq., of the Madras Civil Service, to
Maria Eliza, only daughter of the Revd. R. B. Caton, of York Street, Portman Square, and of Binbrook Walk House, Lincolnshire.

1st January 1832
At All Souls Church, Langham Place,
R.H.Kinchant Esq., to
Maria Eliza , daughter of Rev. R.B. Caton

The Asiatic Journal
and monthly Register,
January to April 1832

2nd Dec., At All Souls Church, Langham Place,
Richard H. Kinchant Esq., eldest son of the late Richard Kinchant Esq., Madras civil Service, to Maria Eliza ,only daughter of the Rev. Richard B. Caton, of York Street, Portman Square, and of Binbrook Walk House, Lincolnshire

Maria was visiting her parents, leaving her youngest at home with the servants,
the 3 older children are at boarding schools, but cant find her husband Richardhenry Kinchant.

1841 census 
source                 HO107; Piece 679;  Folio: 38; Page: 28;
place                  Book: 4; St Marylebone;  District: 6;
Dwelling               Seymore place
                                          born this county
Richard  Caton  head   65  Clergyman        n
Eliza    Caton         60                   Ireland
Thurston Caton         30   Surgeon         n            
Esther   Caton         20                   n
Adine    Caton          2                   n
Maria Kinchant (dau)   30   FS?(visitor)    n              

1841 census 
source                    HO107; Piece 916; Book: 6;   Folio:  ; Page: 1
place                     Whittington; County: Shropshire; Enumeration District: 4;
dwelling                  Park Hall 

Richard  Kinchant   2 months                              y
Myra     Kinchant   2                                     y
Charles  Lawson             M S
Thomas   Pool               M S 
Mary     Daniel     40      F S  
Mary     Powell     20      F S 
Ellen    Charles    20      F S 
Sarah    Harris     20      F S 
Elizabeth  Chidlow  20      F S 

1841 census  
source:            HO107; Piece: 926; Book: 1;  Folio: 16; Page: 25; 
Place:             St Chad shewsbury district 4 Shropshire
Eliza  Kinchant 8  pupil at girls boarding schoool 

source:             HO107; Piece: 911; Book: 17; Folio: 5;  Page: 5;
Place:              St Chad
Dwelling            Bicton (boys) School 
Chas  Kinchant 5
Henry Kinchant 5

Bernard Burke's  History of the Landed Gentry - 1847 page 672
Kinchant, Richard henry of Park Hall and Bishop's Castle, Co. Salop 
b.05jan1804, late an officer in the 69th Regiment of Infantry
married 2nd dec 1831 Maria-Eliza CATON 
      only dau. of the Rev. Richard-Bewley Caton, MA, of Binbrook, co. Lincoln, 

and has issue, 
1/  John-Charlton  KITCHANT    b.27may1834
2/  Job Henry      KITCHANT    b.20aug1835
3/  Richard-Caton  KITCHANT    b.04apr1841
   3/1 Eliza power KITCHANT
   3/2 Myra catherine ann KITCHANT

Mr Kinchant is a Magistrate for the county of Salop, and an officer in the 
North Shropshire Yeomanry Cavalry. He suceeded to the Estates on the demise of 
his uncle the late John-Charlton Kinchant Esq in 1832.

1851 census 
Source                     HO107; Piece: 1993; Folio: 667; Page: 30
Place                      Whittingdon   District 1d, Shropshire
Dwelling                   Park Hall shed 115

Richard henry       Kinchant head M 46  Magistrate & Landed proprietor Cudden E I.
Maria eliza         Kinchant wife M 38                              Dublin Ireland
Eliza power         Kinchant dau    18                              St Leonards Bucks
John Charlton       Kinchant son    16                              St Leonards Bucks
Myra chatherine ann Kinchant dau    11    Scholar at Home           Whittington Salop
Richard caton       Kinchant son     9    Scholar at home           Whittington Salop
Richard Redmond     Caton    vist   44    Landed proprietor         Otleside Westmoreland
Frances eliza       Caton   niece   18                              Woodmancote Hants

Catherine   Clarke        governess 29                              Jamacia, British subject 
Mary        Davis         serv u    50  cook                        Salop oswestry
Elizabeth   Jones         serv u    26 ladies maid                  Manchester, lancs
Elizabeth   Jones         serv u    22 house maid                   Mongomeryshire Llanrilin
Sarah       William       serv u    16  ?emp?hess                   Mongomeryshire criggi?n
John        Davis         serv u    22 coachman                     Denbyshire llang/llon
John        Llewelyn      serv u    20 footman                      Shropshire wittington

Bernard Burke's - 1863 - Heraldry

Kinchant, Richard henry, of Park Hall, co. Salop, JP and DL High Sherrif 1846
b.06jan1804, late an officer in the 69th regiment,
Eliza-maria CATON, only dau of the Rev. Richard Bewley Caton M.A.
of Binbrook, co. Lincoln;
and has issue: 
1/ Charlton-john  Kinchant  b.27may1834 accidently drowned may 1859
2/ job-henry      Kinchant  b.20aug1835 
3/ Richard-caton  Kinchant  b.04apr1841 Liet HM Madras army
4/ Eliza power Kinchant     b.          
                            m.23apr1851 Edward Venables esq 
                            son of L J  Venables esq, of Woodhill co. Salop
5/ Maria catherine ann KITCHANT
Clerical Inteligence, 9th April 1827
Bachelor of Arts , R. H. Kinchant; Stt. John's Coll.

30th April 1851
On the 23rd inst., at Whittington Church, Shropshire,
Edward frederick Venables ,
second son of L. J. Venables, Esq, of Woodhill to
Eliza power Kinchant, eldest daughter of
Richard Henry Kinchant, Esq, of Park Hall
and Bishop's Castle, Shropshire.

Morning Chronical 8th Feb 1860
By the Lord-Lieutenant of the county of Salop,
Shropshire Regiment of Militia;
Job henry Kinchant, gent., to be
Lieutenant, vice Pelburn, promoted.

1861 census 
source                   RG9; Piece: 1880; Folio: 41; Page: 18;  sched24             
place                    Whittington, District 9, Shropshire 
Dwelling                 Park Hall 

Richard H  Kinchant  head M  56  Gentleman & H D L        Cuddalore E I 
Maria E    Kinchant  wife M  40  Lady                         Ireland                       
Job Henry  Kinchant  son  U  24  Der  malitia                 St Senards Bucks
Myra       Kinchant  dau     20                               Whittington Salop
Edward     Bailey   serv     18  groom 
Margaret   Davies   serv     54  cook
Elizabeth  Edwards  serv     22  dairy maid
William    Paddock  serv     18  footman
Eliza J    Williams serv     22  housemaid

Cause number: 1864 C155. 
Short title: Caton v Kinchant. 
Documents: Bill, interrogatories, two answers. 
Plaintiffs: Richard Redmond Caton and others. 
Defendants: Maria Eliza Kinchant widow and Job Henry Kinchant (abroad). 
Provincial solicitor employed in Lincolnshire.  
Covering dates 1864 

Richard Henry Kinchant died 8 June 1864.
The annuity to John Robert Nathaniel Kinchant
during the joint lives of himself and
Richard Henry Kinchant was duly paid to that date.
13th January 1877,   Marriages
GEPP / KINCHANT, Jan 3rd, North Stoneham, Southampton,
Rev Charles Granville GEPP. M.A, Oxford, to
Charlotte, widow of J. Henry KINCHANT Esq, Park Hall, Oswestry, Salop.

30th January 1869,   Marriages
KINCHANT-SHAWE- At Cheltenham,
Mr. R. H. Kinchant, B.A., Oxon,
District Superintendant of Police, Punjab, to
Eliza E. SHAWE, daughter of Major R. Shawe, late Madras Army, Jan 26th

IGI C000677
Eliza edith Shawe
c.21oct1841 Vepery-Madras, Tamil Nadu, India
Father Robert Shawe

1871 census
Source              rg10 3752 folio 152 pg 68 shed 199    
Place               Tranmere, Birkenhead, Cheshire
Dwelling  park rd south, bar?one villa  claughton, with grange  in cheshire

Robert H Kinchant  head    34   head constable  birkenhead     Llanvair Waterdine, Shropshire
Eliza e Kinchant   wife   29                                  Madras India
Evangeline Kinchant  4                                        East Indies                          

thomas w peters visitor u 20   cotton brokers clerk           radnorshire  knighton
eliza CLARKE  SERV U 38 COOK                     LEICESTERSHIRE
SARAH          serv

1881 census
Source              RG11, Piece 3088, Folio 37, Page 2
Place               St Mary Warwick
Dwelling            Longbridge Rd, private house

Robert H.      Kinchant   head  m 44  Chief Constable           Llanvair, Watedine Shropshire
Eliza E.       Kinchant   wife  m 38  constable's wife          East Indies
Evangaline C M Kinchant   dau     14  Scholar                   East Indies
Fransis E.     Kinchant  nephew   13  Scholar                     

Robert probably son of John R H Kinchant and Maria Robert H Kinchant died aged 78 decqt1915 Droxford 2c 204 Hampshire Eliza E Kinchant died 1931 aged 89 Droxford 2c 148

1881 census 
source             RG11 piece 1159 Folio 98 page 26 
Place              Landport,  Portsea Island, Hampshire 
Dwelling           29 Shaftsbury Rd.

R. C (rev.) Kinchant    head  38     Chaplain H, M. Prison       Owestry, Shropshire         
Adelaide Blake        visitor 21                                 Culcutta
Gwen Jones            visitor 19                                 Melbourne
Goring Jones          visitor 15                                 Australia
note Gwen and Goring are Richard Caton Kinchant's Niece and Nephew children of his mother's elder sister Frances eliza Jones nee Caton

1891 census
source           RG12 piece 2467       folio 119 page 3 shed 15
place            Warwick, Enumeration district 13 , Parish of St Mary, south warwickshire
dwelling        22 North Gate Street

Robert H. Kinchant head M 54  Chief Counstable Wrkws Police          Salop
Eliza  E. Kinchant wife M 49                     Brit subject        Madras E Indies
Evangela C. M. Kinchant dau S 24                 Brit subject        Godderspoon E.Indies
Eliza A Shawe visitor S  70                                          Havant Hampshire

Emma Bourton  serv S   26        Cook domestic                    Hampton Warwick
Ellen Print   serv S   20          Housemaid domestic             Warwick Warwickshire


4th May 1881,   Marriages
KINCHANT-MORGAN- On the 30th ult.,
at St. Jude's Church, Southsea, by the Rev. J. S. Blake, M.A.,the
Rev. Richard Caton Kitchant,
son of the late R. H. Kitchant, Esq.,of Park Hall, Salop, to
Pamela Augusta MORGAN, eldest daughter of the late Captain H.C. Morgan,
formerly of the 3rd Light Dragoons, granddaughter of the
late Sir East George Clayton East?, Bart. of Hall Place, Berks.


7th May 1881
On the 30th ult. at St Judes' South Sea,
the Rev. Richard Caton Kinchant,Esq. of
Park Hall, and Bishops Castle, Salop, J.P. D.L., to Pamela augusta, eldest daughter of the late Captain henry Charles Morgan 3rd light Dragooons

John Bull ,law and police 28th jan 1871 An Action was tried in the Bail Court on Tuesday in which Mr. Seymore an Auctioneer in Gt Swan alley , Moregate Street sued the Rev. Mr Kinchant
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