Info 5a, Annie henderson mason McClymont
& Robert Burns
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Wairarapa Age, 14th November 1914
At West Bush, Masterton, on Thursday, Mr Robert Burns, of Oxford, England, was married to Miss Nancy Mason, third daughter of George McClymont, late of Scotland. The Rev. A. T. Thompson performed the ceremony. The bridesmaid was Miss Jeanne McClymont, sister of tlie bride, and the best man was Mr Charles McClymont. Mr and Mrs Burns left in the afternoon by motor for the south, where the honeymoon is being spent.

New Zealand Times,   14th November 1914
Womens Notes;
A pretty wedding was solemnised at West Bush, Masterton, on Wednesday afternoon, when Mr. Robert Burns, of Oxford, England, was married to Miss Nancy Mason, third daughter of Mr. George McClymont, late of Scotland.
The Rev. A. T. Thompson performed the ceremony. The bridesmaid was Miss Jeanne McClymont, sister of the bride, and the best man Mr. Charles McClymont. Mr. and Mrs. Burns left in the afternoon by motor for the south.

Burns Origins
GRO Birth UK
Robert Burns, Decqt 1893, Oford 31, 815

1901 census possibly paupers child aged 7 in workhouse st giles oxfordshire

Nz Voters Register

1919 Manawatu, Whanganui
Robert Burns, 142 Bell Street, Grocer's asssitant
Nancy  Burns, 142 Bell Streeet, married

1922 Auckland West, Auckland
Nancy        Burns,  97 Lincoln Street, married

1925/28 Auckland West, Auckland
Robert       Burns,  38 Ardmore Road, Motor Driver
Nancy        Burns,  38 Ardmore Road, married

1931 Auckland West, Auckland
Robert       Burns,  97 Lincoln Street, Driver
Nancy        Burns,  97 Lincoln Street, married

1935  Eden, Auckland
Robert       Burns,  221 Dominion Road  S2, News Agent
Nancy        Burns,  221 Dominion Road  S2, married
1938 Auckland suburbs, Auckland
Robert       Burns, 1527 Great North Rd. S.W.3.,   Taxi Proprietor
Nacy         Burns, 1527 Great North Rd. S.W.3.,   Married
James barrie Burns, 1527 Great North Rd. S.W.3.,   Salesman
Nacy may     Burns, 1527 Great North Rd. S.W.3.,   Spinster

1946 Grey Lynn, Auckland
Nacy         Burns, 1527 Great North Rd. S.W.3.,   Married
James barrie Burns, 1527 Great North Rd. S.W.3.,   Salesman

1954 Tamaki, Auckland
James barrie     Burns, Ocean View Rd., Oneroa,   Agent
Doreen elizabeth Burns, Ocean View Rd., Oneroa,   Married

1963 Auckland Central, Auckland
James barrie     Burns, 134 Ocean View Rd., Oneroa,   Store Keeper
Doreen elizabeth Burns, 134 Ocean View Rd., Oneroa,   housewife



1981 Auckland Central, Auckland
James barrie     Burns, 24 Beach Parade,    Retired
Doreen elizabeth Burns, 24 Beach Parade,    Retired
Rosemary doreen  Burns, 24 Beach Parade,    Shop Asst.

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