30th October /69
My dear James,
I duly received your two letters with the enclosed cartes and I was very glad indeed to see them.
Though they are not very clear taken it gives me some idea what like you all are.
I received also the paper you sent me.
Uncles left here yesterday for Edinburgh and London after three months stay, they are both in
very good health. Uncle Charles is angry you never wrote to say whether you got the money
he sent you some years ago. Did you get it or not?
Aunt Susan [?] you ask about died two years ago her son William is married and has a large
family near London. James is out in Ceylon is also married and has I don’t know how many of a family.
Duncan Robertson Ballinloan who was out in East India came home about a fortnight ago unwell
after two years stay there. The climate did not agree with him. His oldest brother Mungo died
in Australia about a year ago.
James Scott Uncle Thomas' son in Australia died about two months ago.
We had a party the night before Uncles left where my next door neighbours Mr & Mrs Cairns
& three sons & the Robertsons Wester Ballinloan people were present.
Also Christian Crerar Glenquaich & Jessie and Annie Thomson Grandtully.
Jessie is always with me.
Mr & Mrs Cairns are very kind to me always. We were all at our tea in their house
two days before Uncles left. All other friends far and near our well as far as I know of.
Jessie Scott Scotstown has begun a private School in Aberfeldy on her own “hook” as
they say here, and she is doing very well and getting all the gentry’s children in Aberfeldy.
I have now given you all the news I can remember of just now. I am enjoying good health at present.
Mr Cairns has got a new lease of his place and I shall remain here also.
With kind love to your wife and children
I remain Your affecte Mother,
Margaret Campbell
Write soon again