Info 5b, Land Transfer
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Memorandum of Transfer

Hilda May Campbell of Takaka, (Spinster), as Executer of the Will of Donald Cumming Campbell late of Takaka, deceased Farmer, being the registered proprietor of an undivided share or interest as tenant in common in the following estates or interests however to such encumbrances, liens and interests are notified by memoranda underwritten or endorsed hereon in those pieces of land situate in the district of Takaka.

Firstly an estate in fee simple all that parcel of land containing Three hundred and forty seven acres, three roods, twenty eight perches (347a. 3a. 28p) be the same a little more situated in the Waitapu Survey District being Section 21a and part sections 39, 40, 40, 45 and 215 District of Takaka and being all the land comprised and described in Certificate of Title Volume 66, Folio 107 (Nelson Registry) (Limited as to Parcels)

Secondly an estate in fee simple in all that parcel of land being Part Section 20 District of Takaka situated in the Waitapu Survey District and being all the land comprised and described in Certificate of Title Volume 65, Folio 292 (Nelson Registry), (Limited as to Parcels) Subject To Order in Council Number 265

Thirdly an estate in fee simple in all that parcel of land containing one Acre, one rood and thirty two perches (1a. 1r. 32p) more or less being Section 17 Block IX Waitapu Survey District and being all the land comprised and described in Certificate of Title Volume 39, Folio 236 (Nelson Registry)

Fourthly an estate of leasehold in possession in all that parcel of land containing one hundred and seventy three acres (173a) more or less being section 46 "Takaka Original" Block V Waitapu Survey District and being all the land prescribed in Crown Renewable Lease recorded in Volume 3 Folio 234 (Nelson Registry)

Fifthly an estate of leasehold in possession in all that parcel of land containing ninety nine acres (99a) more or less being Section 19 Block IX Waitapu Survey District and being all the land comprised and described in Crown Renewable Lease recorded in Volume 36 Folio 234 (Nelson Registry)

Sixthly an estate of leasehold in possession in all that parcel of land containing eight hundred and six tenth perches thirty five acres one six tenth perches (850a.Or.35.6P) more or less 9 and 50 'Takaka' Block 5 Waitapu Survey balance of the land comprised and described in Lease Volume prescribed in Crown Lease Volume 58 Folio 190 (Nelson Registry Proclamations Numbers 1354 and 1355)

IN PURSUANCE of the will of the said Donald Cumming Campbell (Deceased) I DO HEREBY TRANSFER all my estate and interests aforesaid to me the said Hilda May Campbell
In witness whereof I have hereto subscribed my name this fourth day of February One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fourty Eight.

Signed by the said Hilda May Campbell, in the presence of, Charles ~~~~. Solicitor, Motueka

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Updated 3rd July 2014