Info 5a. Hilda may Campbell
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ENTRY OF BIRTH, 1898   District of Gabriels
No. When Born Name sex Father Mother Profession
of Father
Informant When
42 7th
at Blue Spur
Hilda May
F Charles
Isabella patterson
age 38

age 38
Blue Spur
Depy. Regr.

Hilda Campbell was born the 7th child of Charles and Isabella Campbell in Blue Spur Lawrence Otago. In 1901 her father Charles and 2 eldest brothers Thomas and Donald move to the northern tip of south Island to manage a gold mine in the Pupu Valley, his wife and children remained at Blue Spur.

Hilda with mother and 4 siblings followed in December 1908, and sold the house at Blue Spur to Isabella's father. Isabella and children travelled from Nelson on a paddle steamer to the Port at Waitapu which was an exciting and novel experience for them all.
Hilda may Campbell
When the family first moved to Takaka they lived in a large 2 storey villa in Waitapu Rd set in 3 acres of ground. Waitapu Rd was an exciting world after the loneliness and isolation of Central Otago. There were trains passing up and down to the wharf and people coming and going. The family lived there for 6 months and then moved up to the Pupu. There were seldom any regular visitors to the isolated family up at the Pupu because of the poor roads and the slower means of transportation. Hilda's family were one of the last in the bay to buy a car, they kept their horse and gig until 1931 by which time there were only 6 other families still using horse transport. Hilda went to pick up the car, a little Ford 10, and to get her license at the same time. The Ford dealer in Nelson brought the car over from Nelson and gave her some instruction in how to drive. They went down to Motupipi and collected Toriry Raharuhi, the man who issued the licences then after a drive down to the wharf at Tarakohe she was a licensed driver.

Hilda was never married and stayed at home and looked after her parents until the death of her mother in 1932 followed by her father in 1941. She inherited one sixth part of her father's Estate, she also inherited the 1 part of Donald Cumming's inheritance when he died in 1945, ie all the Pupu land, including the Waikoropupu Springs. (largest freshwater in the southern hemisphere)

About 1948 Hilda sold "farm" land to Gwen and Pip Ball who had moved to Golden Bay from Denniston.
She owned a house in Edward St Richmond, two in Rototai Rd, 1 mile northeast of Takaka one being called the "Whinside" and the house she owned next door called "the Nutshell". She also owned a bach at Pohara. We spent holidays there as children (Cam Campbell) Hilda travelled often between Richmond and Takaka in her Ford Anglia she loved the native bush and planted a native garden on the steep slope of her Rototai home. She also had a large chinese gooseberry plant, which in the early 60's was a rarity.
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Hilda lived out her days at her Rototai home looking north west towards the Pupu Valley where she was raised. At the time of her death on the 2nd of August 1995 at the Joan Whiting Rest home in Collingwood, she was the oldest resident of Golden Bay at the age of 97 Hilda was much loved by young and old alike. Her funeral at St Andrews,Takaka and the interrment of her ashes in her parents grave at the Rototai Cemetary was well attended.

Hilda's Estate was left to her 5 Newphews and Nieces:
Winifred McElwain, Florence Wilson, Alan James Campbell,
Brian Henry Campbell & David John Campbell.

Hilda may Campbell

Hilda accepting a cheque for
the purchase of the Waikoropupu Springs by the NZ Government"

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Hilda opens Hydro Hilda with Chales and Brian
Hilda May Campbell with great
nephew Charles cameron Campbell, opening
Pupu Springs Hydro station 1988
Three generations, Hilda May Campbell with
Charles cameron and Brian henry (right)

Hilda May Campbell circa 1950? Hilda May Campbell

  Much of Hilda's life story comes from
  Brian henry Campbell. 1926-1996

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Updated 7th July 2016