Info 3e. David cameron henry Simson Close info Window

Although Registered as David cameron henry he seems to be known as
Henry david cameron Simson, probably to avoid confusion with his father.
Born 9 April 1890
Died 13 nov 1968
17 aug 1915  Listed as wounded
1917 • Patea, South Taranaki, Taranaki, New Zealand

NZ Army WW1 Nominal Rolls 1914-1918. Listed as a Dairy Farmer, Whenuakura (Patea), 
Mounted Rifles, 27th Reinforcements, Army No.36130. Trooper.
Next of Kin;  Elizabeth Simson (mother) Whenuakura

New Plymouth Courts Colection 1915
In the matter of "The Mortgages Extension Act 1914"
And its amendments. And in the matter of Memorandum of Mortgage registered number 30428 (Taranaki Registry)
From Henry David Cameron Simson and Thomas Cyril Cameron Simson to
Charles Ludwig Kasper. Charles Ludwig Kasper V. H. D. C. Simson & Another.

Documents pertain to a case filed by a hotelkeeper (Kasper)
against two farmers (Simson).
The defendants mortgaged their land (Section 11, Block 4 in the Ngaire Survey Distri
The plaintiff seeks to exercise his powers of sale.

Taranaki Daily News, 28th march 1917
At the Court House New Plymouth
...Henry david cameron Simpson and Thomas cyril cameron Simson, Trading in a partnership as Simson Bros. farmers, of Whenuakura, Ajudged bancrupt.

Taranaki Daily News,15th August 1918
Application for discharge;
Henry david cameron Simson, Thomas cyril Simson.

Hawera and Normanby Star, 2nd May 1918
The Appeal of Thomas cyril cameron Simson, dairy farmer, Patea, was reviewed
Mr Powell appeared for the appeland, who stated that he and his brother Wilfred (who is married) ran the farm. His other brother Henry, who had recently returned from the front, was in Wanganui hospital, and would not be fit to do active work for some time to come.

Taranaki Daily News, 3rd May 1918
Militery Service Board
The appeal of Thomas cyril cameron Simson, dairy farmer, Patea, was reviewed.
the appeal was adjourned untill the next sitting, and the chairman said the board relied on the appelant, a single man without dependants, to endevour to secure a man, so as to release him for the font.

Hawera and Normanby Star, 9th October 1918
Mr Powell appeared for Thomas cyril cameron Simson, farmer, Whenuakura, Whoes case was previously before the board.
To Capitain Walker; He was a single man and did not expect total excemption. He was merely asking for time to enable him to get over the flush of the season. He expected to be milking 160 cows shorly.His married brother Wilfred, had been granted Sine Die excemption and his other brother, a returned soldier, was unable to do any heavy work.
Leave was Granted untill the February Draft.

Taranaki Daily News,   6th February 1920


Henry David Cameron Simson, farmer, Whenuakura, deposed that with his two brothers he took up a mixed farm adjoining Pearce's. The dividing fences were in bad order, and there was a lot of trouble with trespassing stock all round, especially with Pearce, who several times impounded some of witness' stock. He never impounded any of Pearce's stock.

After the impounding episode they were not on friendly terms. He first heard the statements alleged to have been made about him and his brother by Pearce in March, 1919. Witness was away at the war about a year from the beginning of 1917.
To Mr. Johnstone: There was some trouble between witness and neighbors over straying stock. There was no ill feeling over any of these matters.


Mr. Johnstone, in opening for the defence, referred to the fact that the slander should be proved in respect of each of the plaintiffs, and it was not enough to prove the allegation jointly.
He then pointed out that to be succesful in a slander action it was necessary to prove the actual words used, that they had been published, and that they had been used mischievously.

Counsel conceded that words had been published, but questioned whether the actual words had been deposed to. It had been difficult for counsel for plaintiff to secure from witnesses any admission as to what Pearce was alleged to have said constituting an imputation of crime, which was necessary to make a slander charge actionable.
It would also be submitted that the words used were privileged in the sense that they were uttered by a man to his employee in the course of directing him as to his work. Such privilege was the convenience of society.


Defendant, in evidence, said he had had his farm at Whenuakura for ten years. The fences betweeen him and Simson's farm were gorse and boxthorn. He had no trouble over straying stock with anyone but the Simsons.
In the 1918 lambing season he commenced to miss lambs. The sheep were grazing down near Simson's farm. He saw the ewes walking up and down the fence bleating, and the lambs were not with them
A little before that time some rams belonging to the Simsons came in twice and he warned them that if they came again they would be imooundcd, which was done the next time they came.
Witness lost the sale of 6OO ewes on account of the rams having been with them.

Simson was very angry at the rams being impounded, and threatened to get even with Pearce over it. After that he told Sherwood to keep an eye on the lambs. The road gates on witness' farm were frequently being left open.

Perkinson came to work for him in December. 1918. The terms of employment were £2 10s per week, free house and firewood, paying for a horse, and a cow to milk for his own use.
In talking about the work, he told Perkinson there had been some lambs missed, and warned him to have nothing to do with the Simsons as their reputation was not too good.
After some time Perkinson became insulting and threatened witness with a supplejack, and also said he would "put him un as high as Baldwin."

(Counsel explained to the Court that he believed "Baldwin" was a celebrated "parachute Gentleman.")
Continuing, witness said he never, excepting on the first occasion, said anything to the Perkinsons about avoiding the Simsons.


Cross-examined by Mr. O'Dea, witness denied having trouble with anybody over straying stock. He had had some trouble with hfe dogs worrying other people's sheep, but he had paid for any damage done.
In the, past two years he had only had three men working for him. He denied spying on his men with field glasses. He had used them on one boy and. as he found him not working, he sacked him. He did not know anything about the picture of himself and "Jimmy" in the whare. "Jimmy" had been with witness ten years.
Witness admitted warning Perkinson about the Simsons, saying that they were a bad lot. and that ""Tom was a thief."
He meant that the Simsons had a cow at their place which he knew did not belong to them, and that he had missed some lambs.
A great many questions were asked as to defendant's relations with and treatment of his employees.

In re-examination by Mr. Johnstone witness said a cow which had belonged to a neighbor was taken from Simson's's place, and the hide was subsequently found at the meal works, and in legal proceedings which had followed the Simsons had had to pay for the beast.


No more evidence was called and counsel addressed the jury. In his Honor's summing up he pointed out to the jury that they must be satisfied, before they could give a verdict for plaintiffs, that the words used imputed the crime of theft to the plaintiffs and were used not merely as a term of abuse.
He also said that if a verdict was given for plaintiffs damages would have to be assessed in respect to each of the three plaintiffs on each of the five causes of action.
His Honor had ruled previouslv that the words were not privileged.


The jury retired at 3:41p.m. and returned at 4.20 with a verdict for plaintiffs, awarding nominal damages of £l5, being £1 for each of the three plaintiffs on each of the five causes of action.


SIMSON, Henry David Cameron 	79 		
Warrant 	918 	Residence 	Paparangi
Occupation 	Farmer 	Date of Burial 	15/11/1968
Officiating Minister 	Rev Pedersen 	Funeral Co-ordinator 	Dempsey & Sons
Location 	Plot 258 P L Ext/II/4

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